Huge Milestone & Unwraping Our Favorites…Holiday Foods and Holiday Traditions

I am writing a post two straight days in a row. First, I made a huge milestone. I started to put my blogs on Bloglovin a few months ago and today I got an email saying that this blog has reached 20 followers. 20 followers!!!! I am so happy and I am excited. Plus, I checked my email and I won two Rafflecopter giveaways so I am pretty much excited for it.

Now today I am joining Daina and Tamara for their linky party.

I didn’t have a chance to check all of my bloglovin so I am killing two birds with one stone So, here it is

Also breaking news(cue the breaking news music)…I am about to hit 1000 pageviews!!!!!!

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

2 responses

  1. Thanks so much for linking up Jasmine! 🙂 You mentioned that you played in a band in high school? What instrument did you play? I play piano! 🙂 This my first time to your page…so excited for your teaching journey! 🙂 I am getting my very first intern in January and I am OVER THE MOON! 🙂 Can't wait to read about your adventures! 🙂
    Thanks for linking up! 😉


  2. I played xylophone in marching and concert band in high school. I am also excited for my new teaching journey coming soon. I already love the ideas that you and other teacher bloggers wrote on your blogs.
    Jasmine H.


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