Shameless Plug Thursday!!!

Well, the South was hit hard by the unexpected snowstorm. I am grateful for studying to become a teacher because the stories on the news about the teachers and administrators who stayed behind with the students stranded in the schools for the snow. I am happy to become a teacher and helped out and worked in the profession.

Well, I am doing a new series called Shameless Plug Thursday(deciding if it becomes a linky party). I love giveaways because last year, I won two giveaways and I was excited for it. This giveaway is also a blog hop that I enjoyed. These teachers went above and beyond the call of duty to contribute to this giveaway.

I encourage everyone who sees this to enter the giveaway if you can. Remember, this giveaway runs all the way through January 31st at midnight. Go on to Create, Teach, and Share for the giveaway and the start of this amazing blog hop.

Another giveaway is still happening over at Mrs. White’s Classroom

Have a great day and stay warm and stay safe

New Year, New Blog Title, and New Makeover!!!

Well, my blogging resolutions have been diminished for awhile. I said that I would blog often. Well, with that fact that I have church, cold weather, and a little motivation, that ended abruptly. Well, I made a goal to blog more often. I have a new attitude that is much related to my new blog title.

Since this is 2014, I decided to make sure that my blog would reflect my personality. I figured that since this is about teaching, studying to become a teacher, and being a chiild of God, I called my blog Teaching,Studying, and Praying…Oh My!!! after a reference to the Wizards of Oz that is my favorite movie.

I am in the process of remodeling my blog and also in the process of making products for my stores alongside my busy schedule that is about to pick up with me going back to school.

  1. Work on separate social media pages for my blogs. 
  2. Blog often.
  3. Participate in linky parties and hopefully one day giveaways.
  4. Make sure that my blog fits my personality.
  5. Work on a schedule for me with my church activities, school work, and blogging activities.
  6. Comment more on other blogs. 

Have a blessed day and hope everyone stay warm.

A Wonderful Blast from the Past…

Well, I was cleaning my room and I found something that I made while I was at Wallace State. It was an alphabet book that was full of pictures and full of alphabet letters.

The letter A…

The letter B…

The letter C…

The letter D…

The letter E…

The letter F…

I also used sentences for the kids to understand the word and the letter represent.

I found this and I though that I finally found  the idea for my linky party and also my first TPT product. I love it when my old ideas can be used in the classroom.

Thanks, God Bless, and Roll Tide Roll

Happy Snow and Cold Day!!!

Well, I hope everyone is staying warm today. I went outside to go to the mailbox and all of a sudden the cold weather rushes up to me. By the way, here is a funny photo that I have found that I went through when I was a little girl…

I am using this time to work on my blog and also writing posts left and right to schedule for this week. I am happy that I can finally work on this. Another thing that I want to try this year is to make a praise cup for me to write what I am in praise for and also a prayer cup. 2013 was not the best and not the worst for me, yet I still complain about it last year. This year, I need to count my blessings and be grateful for my family and also my BF. Finally, I am working on my linky party and right now I am thinking of multiple linky parties. I am excited already for this year.

Oh, and right now, I am watching the BCS Championship Game and even though I am an Alabama fan, I am swallowing my pride and rooting for the rival, Auburn.

Thanks and God Bless and Roll Tide Roll War Eagle for today!!

A New Life…

Well, my birthday was yesterday!!! I turned the big 2-4 and is making new decisions by the minute. I gave my blog a makeover via The Cutest Blog On the Block. I got one of their free background and also one of their free banners and customize the banner to make it reflect my personality. I have a few blogs that I am working on and I will be quite busy. I also have school coming up soon and may or may not blog, but I can figure out something.

Now, on to the nitty gritty.
Well, I am hosting my first linky party and I am figuring out what topic I should circle this linky party around. What do you guys think my first linky party should be about?

What Are My Blogging Resolutions?

Hello, I am back. I have a birthday tomorrow and I am excited to turn 24 years old. Anyway, in 2013, I recently started back blogging from 2012. Well, I have not done a good job at all blogging, so I have linked up with Diane from Fifth In the Middle for her blogging resolution linky party.


  • I suddenly realized that I need to focus more on my blogs and write more posts instead of doing it sporadically.
  • I need to have my creativity and personality instilled in the blogs that I have. I felt like some of the blogs were either about me bragging or boring you guys to sleep. 
  • I forgot to mention this in the template but I wanted to also throw out that I wanted to get more followers which brings me to the next point that I need to join more linky parties and also host linky parties and giveaways. 
  • I made a choice to create freebies and put them on my blogs sporadically. I agree with a few posts that I saw got me thinking. I need to find a balance with posting products and also talking about my life. 
  • I need to understand the tips and tricks of the blogging world and understand it better. 

Now on to other social media that I would work on:

  • TPT: I need to work on products and open up my shop soon this year.
  • Teacher’s Notebook: Same as TPT.
  • Facebook: I need to start focusing on my pages and find ways to advertise them on my blogs. I also need to spruce the pages up.
  • Twitter: Make pages for my blogs.
  • Pinterest: Pin more and add more stuff from my blogs on there. Also, I need to make the boards look creative.
  • Instagram: Post more pictures on there. 
  • Generally separate my personal pages from my work pages.
  • Make separate emails for my blogging pages. 

I hope I can work on these resolutions and I am grateful for the followers and the people who followed me already.

Happy 2014,

January Currently and First Post of 2014

Well I am back after staying up until 1:00 in the morning for New Year’s Eve. I always love these Currentlys thanks to Farley at Oh Boy’ 4th Grade.

Here is my Currently…

I am a big college football fan and I love watching ESPN College Gameday every Saturday. Because it is bowl week, they are going to be on all this week. My favorite analysts are Desmond Howard and Lee Corso of course. Who wouldn’t love them all?
Happy New Years!!!! Since 2014 is here, I can work on my resolutions and also work on my bucket list and lose weight in order for me to continue to be healthy and prepared for potential mission trips.

My birthday is coming up this Friday and I am thinking how am I going to celebrate it. My number one goal is to celebrate with family, friends, and of course my new boyfriend since last night. Another thing is that I told my mother that I would love to have an Erin Condren planner so I could be organized for school and also potential subbing jobs alongside blogging and TPT product making.

Well, my birthday wish is to go to New Orleans and watch the Sugar Bowl since Alabama is playing in the game. But, because the prices are sky rocket high, I will find it cheaper to stay at home and watch it.

I would love for snow to come to Alabama. We had snow last year and school was let out early and then was closed for Friday. Also, I would love to get my blog a makeover from either myself or a professional.

                                                               Memory and/or Tradition
There are two birthdays that are happening at the Hall’s residence. My birthday is January 3rd and my older brother’s is January 22nd. My birth story was hilarious. My mother used to work at Wal-Mart Distribution Center and she was working on that day that she was in labor with me. She knew I was coming so, she had one of her working partners carried her to the hospital where I wa born 12:21pm on January 3rd, 1990. Now, if I was born at Wal-Mart, imagine the multiple visits to Wal-Mart.

\So there is my Currently, and I hope you all have a Happy New Year’s.

Last Post of 2013 and New Goals for 2014

I cannot believe that 2013 is coming to an end and suddenly I am in bed with a fever and a headache. Not fun at all. However, I am excited to link up with Jessica from First Grade Nest for her 2014 Resolution Linky Party.


Without further ado, here are my resolutions…

 I would like to hopefully become a substitute teacher by this year. I had subbed before and I can be more prepared for this. I would also like to go back to school to hopefully resumed my Bachelor’s degree. I already have my Associate’s degree.

 Well, I can confess that I have been a bad blogger but now I am making a goal to be a better blogger and devote most of my time to my blogs. I am wanting to host linky parties and possibly giveaways soon. I would also like to devote most of my time to my TPT store. Hopefully, I will make products this year.

 I would love to hopefully find the man of my dreams one day. But, I know that is all up to God to decide my future husband.

 I have another confession. I have a bucket list that I wanted to accomplish by the time I am 40 years old. I want to start working on that this year since I am 24 and I have a lot to accomplish before then.

I would love to go on more mission trips. I have been to a mission trip to New Orleans. I hope that I will have the time and the health to go on another one, this time out of the country.

Well, That was my New Year’s goals. I hope that everyone have a Happy New Year and see you in 2014.