Happy Snow and Cold Day!!!

Well, I hope everyone is staying warm today. I went outside to go to the mailbox and all of a sudden the cold weather rushes up to me. By the way, here is a funny photo that I have found that I went through when I was a little girl…


I am using this time to work on my blog and also writing posts left and right to schedule for this week. I am happy that I can finally work on this. Another thing that I want to try this year is to make a praise cup for me to write what I am in praise for and also a prayer cup. 2013 was not the best and not the worst for me, yet I still complain about it last year. This year, I need to count my blessings and be grateful for my family and also my BF. Finally, I am working on my linky party and right now I am thinking of multiple linky parties. I am excited already for this year.

Oh, and right now, I am watching the BCS Championship Game and even though I am an Alabama fan, I am swallowing my pride and rooting for the rival, Auburn.

Thanks and God Bless and Roll Tide Roll War Eagle for today!!

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