Five For Friday- The First in August

Hello guys, it is time for another Five For Friday and I am stoked because I have the most interesting week so far.

My name is Jasmine Hall and I am a school supply addict. I went and on Sunday…I bought more school supplies and my purse is full of them. Plus, it is tax free weekend and I am trying to keep calm about this.

Huge preparations for me starting back school…I don’t know whether to transfer to Liberty University in the fall or the spring semester.

Went hiking at Hurricane Creek Park on Sunday and well, let’s just say that I litterally rocked and rolled with on my butt bottom.

I got gifts from my Sonshine Sister such as a wax warmer,

a makeup bag,

and a stress reliever

I went to Six Flags and had a great time and even went on a few roller coasters. PS. Prepare yourself for Goliath. I even have the chance to lounge at the waterpark.

So, here is my Five For Friday but wait, there is another blog post coming up the same day…I know unethical to do that, right.

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