A Peek at My Week-8/03

Hey guys, it is another time to link up with Mrs. Laffin’s Laughings for her Peek at the Week.


 I am finally having a quiet week, but I also like to include daily routines in it as well.

I go to church and then i am going to my next Peru training. I am planning on going to Peru for a mission trip and I have been training with the next group that goes even though I am going on the group after that.

Also, I have choir practice that is happening today and I am pumped because we are performing two weeks from today.

I am applying to be accepted by a certain term for Liberty University and I went online to find course guides and I am going to be working on a lot of those coming soon. That is how studious I am with lesson plans coming soon.

Last day of freedom for me because I start back a class online on Tuesday and I am a bit nervouse because it is math.

Final Note:
I am trying to get me another laptop and let me getting another iPad be my Christmas. I found nice Chromebooks. What kind of laptop do you guys have?

Have a great Sunday!!!

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