Five For Friday…I Missed This!!!

Well, with the fact that everything was a busy week for me and I would start field experience next week, then it is time for a Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching

Well, on Monday, there was a Severe Weather Risk where I live and the afternoon turned into storms. The result was that my house was fine and we lost power for a few seconds. But, school was out the following Tuesday and the Hobby Lobby in Cullman had its roof damaged causing them to close until they are all repaired.

 If all goes well and hopefully it does, I will be starting field experience next week. I am stoked for what is in store for me when I go and be in an actual classroom after not being in there for over a year.

Remember that I got an email saying something about the Mailbox wanting me to participate to #BeTheDifference. Well, the package came today and I am excited. I got a book that I can use when I would substitute or have my own classroom one day. I also got a fall activity that I am planning on doing with the kids when I am doing field experience…more pics to come from the process to the actual practice.

I was at Craft Night att my church and it was a great time making fabric pumpkins with the girls…

Here was the fabric being ready to be made…

Then here comes the pumpkins that we all made ya’ll

Oh and for an added bonus, here is my pumpkin family that I made…

Finally, I went to a bonfire that my college group did…

Well, I am still up and I am going to start to work on the activity and even give it a few test drives until I can get used to it…

Have a great weekend!!!

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