Positive Thinking Thursday 10-23-2014 & Some Huge News!!!

Well, here is my week so far…

I was sick as a dog!!! I have never been that much sick before but now I am feeling a bit better and that is blessed…for now. I am linking up with Jennifer for her Positive Thinking Thursday.


With everything that is going on in the news today with Ebola Virus and also with the fact that I had personal reasons along with the fact that it is my grandma’s birthday Saturday (she would have been 88 years old), I found this inspirational quote that would cheer me up.


This quote reminds me that when things are bad, we are given second chances to start anew. That is what God blessed us with everyday and I am blessed that I was able to get a second chance.

Now onto some good news…(drumroll)…I have officially started a linky party and I am thinking of putting it on there next week and I am excited to see what you guys are going to link up because it pertains to Pinterest and it will be a great favorite each and every week. I know we have a bunch of linky parties with Pinterest themes. I also figure that I would join in on the fun…from the Pinterest stalker I mean fan. So get ready to link up next week or I may just do it early and I cannot wait.

Have a nice day!!!

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