Five for Friday & Positive Thinking Thursday( Friday) 11-7-14

Today, I am giving you a huge treat that is good for readers. Combining two blog posts into one to make a good blog post. The first post that I am linking up with is Doodle Bugs Teaching for their her annual Five For Friday.

So, Sunday was the Walking Dead Party at my college pastor’s house. We watch and then we went outside for a little bonfire…

Might I add, number two would be the reason why for the bonfire!!!

Freezing was the strong word that described Alabama lately. Where has fall went?

We had a freeze warning on Sunday and the cold weather made me shiver more.

I was happy that I got on Facebook and guess what is coming up soon…

It is Christmas time apparently before Thanksgiving happened. So, one of Alabama’s radio stations played this all the time starting in October!!!


I am listening to this radio station while working on homework. I now realized that this would be my life and that is a student teacher doing field experience.

Finally, my blog turned two years old and also I was glad that I cannot believe what I have achieved during that time.

Now unto my Positive Thinking that I am linking with Jennifer from Mrs. Laffin’s Laughings...

With everything going on int he news today, this is what keeps me going through…

That is it. I am going to continue blogging and also working on lesson plans…

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