Sunday Scoop- 11-23-14

Well, today is the week of Thanksgiving and I got a lot to be thankful for. So, I am linking up with The Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop

Since it is Thanksgiving, pretty much I am on “vacation” unless it means that I am helping cook. I have two days of school this week and I need to know what is going on. So here it is…

3 Things I HAVE To Do…
1. Well, I am actually helping to cook some Thanksgiving meals for Thanksgiving. The church is going to cook some and I am helping out of course. Then, my mother is cooking some too. This is the first Thanksgiving without my grandma so it will be bittersweet.
2. I need to start building my TPT store. There is no school the rest of the week after Tuesday so I cannot procrastinate more.
3. My next online class starts next week. I am excited but nervous.

2 Things I HOPE to Do…
1. I am having to take a financial literacy course for Liberty and well…my financial literacy is not exactly perfect. I am hoping this class can help me keep my financial stuff in check.
2. Well, again with Thanksgiving coming up this week…I may be packing on a few extra pounds so I am thinking about exercise and yoga on Friday. Plus, I am going to do Black Friday at home this year because I am scared of crowds on that day.

1 Thing I’m HAPPY to do…
Well, I am happy to announce that I created a new linky party that is in honor of Black Friday with the sales and the fact that we all have a wishlist somewhere. Hope you guys get to link thi

Click on the button to go directly there. I made an outrageous list, but it can also be used for the years after that. Remember to link up with the Teaching Trio on their blog…

Hope everyone have a great day and Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Black Friday…

2 responses

  1. Hi Jasmine,
    Happy Thanksgiving! I know what you mean about financial literacy. My husband and I did Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University a few years back. Changed our outlook and how we spend and save our money entirely and for the better! Good luck in your course. I'm going to check out your linky…sounds like fun! Thanks for hosting.
    Joya 🙂


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