Thanks Week: N is for New Beginnings

Hello, i am linking up with the ladies of Blog Hoppin for their Week of Thanks linky party.

I am blessed that today is Thanksgiving and that it is time to be thankful for something. However, for me it is also time for me to be thankful for new beginnings that are in store for me.

I have never thought that two years ago that I will be writing this blog and it changed my life dramatically. Today, I have a new life thanks to the decisions that I made.

I made some wonderful friends-both in life and online( I consider you all my blogging buddies). Also, I have a wonderful boyfriend that I love with all of my heart.

I also am glad that I was led by God that my talents were to become a teacher and also that I never doubted what I am doing which is to study to become a teacher.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!!!

3 responses

  1. Awwww…. I feel so many of the same sentiments. I am so glad I figured out that teaching would be the career for me! I love it! And I've had a lot of changes in my life! Congrats on having a love of your life to share life with! Happy Thanksgiving!


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