Five For Friday- Thanksgiving Week

Hello, hope everyone have a happy Thanksgiving. Well, in honor of Thanksgiving, I am linking up with Kacey of Doodle Bugs Teaching for their weekly Five For Friday!!!

 Well, field experience continued today. I love doing field experience and hopefully it can lead to a job( volunteer or paid) soon.

 Here is a pic of field experience…

 Speaking of field experience, I decided that I am going to dress casual and of course, I wore jeans and tennis shoes…

Well, for Thanksgiving, I helped cooked meals for the people with my church family. We baked cookies of all kinds and even used cake mix for some of the cookies.

These are red velvet cookies and chocolate with coffee cookies. Yum!!!

 We had an awesome Thanksgiving except that I was battling a toothache from eating said cookies above. I love eating and I ate two full plates.

Question: What is everyone’s favorite Thanksgiving tradtion?

Finally, we are going to put up the Christmas tree and I am excited that this would be the first Christmas in the new place.

Here are some pics from last Christmas!!!

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