Sunday Scoop 12-21-14

I am blessed that I am taking a break from homework and other stuff for Christmas and spending time with family and friends. I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

3 Things I have to do:
1. I have officially got my acceptance to Liberty and even got registered for classes which explains the next reason coming up…

2. I am creating a linky for New Year’s for us bloggers to entertain. It is time for me to look back and look forward at the same time and see what I need to do.
3. The last time I tried to cook dinner, I got sick and cannot do it. This time, I do have the strength of cooking Christmas dinner.

2 Things I hope to do…
1. It is now a dream that I need to exercise and also focus more on what I need to do after eating a dinner…exercise and doing yoga.
2. That brings me up to the next point, since I have been accepted to Liberty, I am now doing a chance by preparing for the next classes. No homework for this girl.

1 Thing I’m Happy to Do…
In a few weeks, I will be reaching a milestone by celebrating my big 2-5. No, I am not in need of a walker yet. However, I am excited to share my birthday with all of you and that is great with the friends that I made being a teacher blogger.

Have fun linking up with them at Teaching Trio

Hope everyone have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year’s

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