My 14 Moments in 2014

Well, I cannot believe that in a couple weeks, 2014 is going to be a distant memory. Thinking of The Way We Were while writing this post. But, 2014 is the most memorable year for me in a huge way.

Today, I am linking up with some of my blogging buddies for their 14 in ’14 party.

Well, I have a lot of moments, but here are the lucky fourteen that made the list.

 Well, my blog went through a sorts of identity change until The Dots of Teaching stick and rightfully so because this is the spark that got me the Liebster Award.

I was nominated by Alexandria from Classroom Action with Miss Jackson and Katie from Living The First Grade Dream.

 I was able to be in a bible study with a few girls about how to overcome insecurity and I enjoy being with these ladies left and right. The book that we went over was So Long Insecurity by Beth Moore.

 Unfortunately, not all moments were good. In August, my grandma passed away at the tender age of 88 after fighting illness for a few years. I kept her legacy inside of me and I am not ready to post a picture of her yet because that would be too hard.

I have a great time with these awesome friends because they are funny and also have a great time with my blogging friends celebrating life online. Hope I get to see everyone in real life soon.

So now, I am on the DIY trail because I am thinking of ideas of how to spruce up my dream home. Here are a few crafts that I did.

 I finally hiked a trail!!! For my training, I hiked on the Hurricane Creek Park and well, besides falling and landing on my butt, everything was great.

I got accepted into Liberty University and I would start classes on the 12th of January. However, that would mean field experience galore.

 I recently did field experience at a preschool in my area. I hope that would turn into a job real soon. I love the kiddos and the atmosphere.

 We recently move into a new apartment and I cannot be any happier about that.

 I was accepted into University of Phoenix and been a proud student there until this month.

 Easter was a great time for this girl and also a busy time since I was in choir and drama at the same time.

I got the experience of having a Sonshine Sister to bless me with gifts and prayers. Here are a few things that I got…

I am in the process of working on my new blog for people to follow. I am excited but a little nervous. I decided that it was time to start a personal blog about my life besides teaching.
Disclaimer: There may be some teaching in there.

Well, I am in a relationship with an amazing guy. He and I met online and we are currently in a long distance relationship.But, I saw him and well, if I show you a picture, then pretty much he will be mad at me so there would be peace in paradise.

That is it with the moments of 2014. Remember to link up.

Thanks and Have a Happy New Year.

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