My 2015 Resolutions

Well, it is that time of the year for me to be thinking of a few goals that would be more in a sense of what to encompass when I am in 2015 at the age of 25. I am linking up with Jessica from Second Grade Nest for her 2015 Goals linky.

If you want to see my goals for 2014, click here

My resolutions are what is a reflection of what I want the new Jasmine to be…

 Be a substitute teacher
I wanted to be a subsitute teacher and also that I am excited to be able to teach the children even if it is in a different role. However, there may be a catch that I will be a substitute teacher even in high school *fingers crossed*
To build a network and start job searching
I am loving that I need to start preparing for when I graduate and that would mean that I need to write a resume and also that I need to build my network.

 For me, that would be that I need to prioritze and also that would mean scheduling and organizing everything in my life. That would mean that it needs to start before New Year’s Eve.

 I would need to also showcase what I am and step out of the box. I can admit that I was shy and that can be more focused on what I need to do and step out of the box.

I would love to go to Hawaii and relax. I would have daydreams that I would try to surf and also loung around the pool and the beach. 

 I would love to try fajitas because I wanted to taste the sensation of what to do with the Mexican food that I never tried since I did not order anything except Enchiladas (insert laughing here)

 I wanted to learn how to knit something such as scarves for me to make in the winter time or in my down time.

Worry is what I wanted to give up and is wanting to give up. I have never been more worried this year and it has taken a toll on my energy so i am going to be worry-free soon. 

I need to do more of cooking because I need to prepare myself better to be in the kitchen and that would be a great benefit for my boyfriend so I would not order anything out all the time. 

I wanted to accomplish is going to blogger meet-ups and also go to conferences. I would love to connect with my fellow bloggers and see everyone face-to-face.

Link up with Jessica for her 2015 goals and have a merry Christmas

2 responses

  1. You can do it! TAke one step at a time! Make small obtainable goals and you will meet them! Good luck in the job hunting! We sure could use you as a sub in our building! Very hard to find any!


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