Sunday Scoop: Last One of the Year

Well, I am excited that this is the last Sunday Scoop of the year. The next Sunday Scoop is going to be when I am 25 years old. I cannot believe it. Well, time to link up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

3 Things I have to do…
1. Well, I made a resolution that I need to organize and plan stuff and that meant blog posts. For me, that would mean that I need to see what linky parties are available and also what areas are given to make sure that this time, that I would not forget a day to blog.

2. My books finally came from Liberty and that would mean that I need to start preparing for the school year coming up. I am an early worm when it comes to school and that would meant that mostly I need to again organize and plan my school stuff. I need a blog post on how to organize soon.

3. Well, almost a year ago, my boyfriend and I decided to be in a relationship and Wednesday would be one year. I am excited to see where our future holds and this guy, I have been praying for him all along.

2 Things I hope to do…
1. I am going to start following a reading plan and that would mean again…organize and plan. I am also going to use my other blog to schedule posts based on that too.

2. Well, now that the eating season is over for holidays, I need to work out and also exercise to be fit for 2015.

1 Thing I’m happy to do…
Well, tomorrow is a big day for me. Get your blog posts ready and that would mean that we need to do a reflection on what is coming up with 2015 around the corner. I am excited that this is going to go off without a hitch( maybe). However, that would mean that everyone think of what you will learn in 2014 because I have another announcement at the end of the linky party post.

Link up with them and have an awesome last Sunday of 2014.

5 responses

  1. I also need to be more organized and spend a day doing blog posts and then schedule them. I really love blogging and know I could really get in a groove if I could find the time to sit down and get a bunch done. I also need to get back into exercising. I've been good about walking 2-3 miles every day but need to add a core workout too. I'm excited to link up with you for your new year's linky. Happy Sunday!
    Joya πŸ™‚


  2. I'm with you and Joya on the blog-planning-ahead. It's so tough to find the time but so rewarding when it comes together. I really want to work on that in the new year! I'll stop by tomorrow for your new linky–I love having something to look forward to πŸ™‚


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