Wordless Wednesday- Winter’s Wonderful

Well, my toothache is gone, but I have a new illness to combat. However, that would meant that I am linking up with Christina from Miss DeCarbo for her Wordless Wednesday.


Today, I got to do storytime with the kids and this is what we did…

Question: What is your favorite winter activity to do with the kids?

Thanks and God Bless

Movie Clip Monday Is Here!!!

Well, I love going on Youtube and finding educational clips for the children to look at. That is why I am linking up with my good blogging BFF Cheryl of Techie Turtle Teacher for her Movie Clip Monday.

I am excited for this because I really knew what the first one is.

I love this video because that was the first thing that was play at one of my first field experience class. I remember that when the teacher plays this song, then everyone would be in the room doing the movements. Also, that this was a song by one of my favorites, Dr. Jean.

Sunday Scoop: 1-25-15

Today, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop. I am excited for this week so far.


3 Things I have to do…
~go to a church fellowship for the ladies that I am in class with tonight. We are having pizza and also finger foods.
~ Because of the toothache and everything else that happened(pray for me), I am going to catch up on everything that I do and also write blog posts galore.
~Homework: a girl’s dream said no student teacher ever.

2 Things I hope to do…
~I need to start back exercising and also focusing on what I need to do despite the fact that it is cold. Have anyone try exercising in the cold?
~I am a DIY girl so I need to work on a few projects and even try up knitting.

1 Thing I’m Happy To Do…
~I am happy to announce that my memories linky party would be live next week, however, this week, I am writing out the rules and if anyone wants them early, then email me and I will send you them, however, anyone else will wait on Thursday for the rules to be released.

I am so excited for this week. Remember to link up with them and see other Sunday Scoops.

Sunday Scoop 1-18-15

I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop…


3 Things I have to do…
1. Is there a reason to explain this one. I mention this every Sunday Scoop.
2. I need to catch up on online bible studies due to my nasty toothache.
3. I am studying for tests and they are about to be the death of me.

2 Things I hope to do…
1. Well, I am enjoying walking because it soothes me and also I can retreat to my peaceful time.
2. I am volunteering at the public library and I got to get ready for the story time to tell the kids. I have a quick question…What books should I read the kids?

1 Thing I’m happy to do…
I am excited to announce that in a couple of weeks, I am going to do a linky party based on memory lane that each of us took. What that means is that I am working on the rules and graphics and when I am ready, next Sunday I will talk more about this and if you want, start finding some old photos of you when you were a kid or even back then and let’s have a walk down memory lane.

Link up with them and also check out some wonderful Sunday Scoops

Wordless Wednesday 1-14-15

Time to link up with Christina from Miss DeCarbo for her Wordless Wednesday. I love these because it is more fun and also a great way to get to know others and see what they post.


I made a resolution that i would be more organized and that would also mean that I need to be making notes of what is going on

Here is what I created last year that is a bit hit with myself…

Question: What do you use to be organized and ready for the next day?

Sunday Scoop 1-11-15

Well, time to link up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.


I love this because it gives readers a look inside my week coming up soon.

3 Things I Have To Do…
~I have to start on homework from my new school!!! I am so excited to start the next journey.
~I am going to have to exercise because my best friend is getting married and I need to trim down the weight for the wedding and my beautiful boyfriend.
~I am doing an online bible study with Good Morning Girls and also with Love God Greatly and I am excited to see what God will do in my life.

2 Things I Hope To Do…
~I am making some wedding glasses for my best friend and her future husband that I am excited to see get married in front of God.
~I am creating linky parties that would be perfect for February and late January.

1 Thing I’m Happy To Do…
I am announcing that with the new year, I am excited that I am starting a new leaf on life and I am excited to see what God has in store with me such as a future with my boyfriend and also what I am doing such as graduating in 2016. It is official!!!!

Link up with them and see other Sunday Scoops

Have a Happy Day!!!

One Lovely Award

I made a pact to myself that I would blog more and bring useful content towards the whole entire blogging community. I was nominated for a One Lovely Blog Award by Krista at The Quinntessential Mommy which makes me perfect. Thanks Krista for the shout out and the award nomination, I am so excited.

Here are the rules for the award:

  1. Thank and link back to the awesome person who nominated you.
  2. Share 7 things about yourself.
  3. Nominate 15 other bloggers and comment on their blogs to let them know.

Here are 7 things about me that you may or may not know:

  1. I was almost born in Walmart. Long story short, but my mother went to work while she was having contractions with me and that ended up with her being in labor with me while she was working. Yes, I was almost a Walmart baby.
  2. I am a huge Alabama fan (Roll Tide) and I am also a Duke fan when it comes to Basketball because my boyfriend is a Syracuse fan and they are rivals in basketball.
  3. I have been in a wonderful relationship with a wonderful man for over a year now. I am also excited to see what the future holds for the both of us.
  4. I am a huge Television fan from Supernatural to The Walking Dead. Plus, do not laugh, I even love American Greed and Investigation Discovery.
  5. I love to create crafts and other projects. I am a DIY girl and that is more enjoyable.
  6. I have already planned my wedding, just waiting for the right time for me to get married and I also planned my family. A girl’s gotta dream.
  7. I am blessed that I was given God’s ability to write and also to blog about what is going on. I love doing this job and also love to become a teacher.

Now for the task of nominating 15 bloggers for the award. You guys are wonderful and also are the reasons that I nominated you. When you are done, then post back with your nomination and I cannot wait to see your posts. Congrats.

  1. Kathryn @ Kathryn Loves Teaching
  2. Melanie @ Confessions of a Kodaly Music Teacher
  3. Molly @ Ms. Patrician’s All-Star Music
  4. Aimee @ Taking On Second
  5. Katie @ Living The First Grade Dream
  6. Kelly @ Lattes and Lunchrooms
  7. Alexandria @ Classroom Action With Mrs. Jackson
  8. Alisha @ Missing Tooth Grins
  9. Ms. Makinson @ Ms. Makinson
  10. Chandra @ Teaching With Crayons and Curls
  11. Paige @ Paiges of Learning
  12. Kristin And Lindsey @ 2 Literacy Teachers
  13. Whitney @ First Grade Round-Up
  14. Meredith @ Creativity to the Core
  15. Lauren @ A Teachable Teacher

    Positive Thinking Thursday: 1-8-15

    Wow, I cannot believe that I did not post with this in a while. I am linking up with Jennifer over at Mrs. Laffin’s Laughings for her Positive Thinking Thursday.

    I love #oneword2015 because it gives me a sense of what I am accomplishing in the future. I choose fearless to be my word because it gives me a sense of what is to happen when time could be served. Also, since I was worried so much last year, I thought that this year would be a huge year for me to accomplish.

    I love this quote because it gave me a sense of what it is like to become fearless.

    Link up with Jennifer and show some comments love for the other bloggers who link up
