Wordless Wednesday 1-14-15

Time to link up with Christina from Miss DeCarbo for her Wordless Wednesday. I love these because it is more fun and also a great way to get to know others and see what they post.


I made a resolution that i would be more organized and that would also mean that I need to be making notes of what is going on

Here is what I created last year that is a bit hit with myself…

Question: What do you use to be organized and ready for the next day?

2 responses

  1. I am the queen of sticky notes…lol. I use them to organize myself and we use of lot of them in class to make interactive anchor charts. The kids love getting to use them. I have a plastic 6 drawer organizer. One drawer for each day of the week and one that says next week. On Friday before I leave I put all my materials for the next week in each drawer. In each drawer I have a folder for each subject and the corresponding papers go into them. Then as I start prepping for the following week I put those papers in the bottom drawer until I am ready to move them up to the appropriate day. Hope that all made sense…lol.

    Luv My Kinders


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