Wordless Wednesday: Morning and Night Routines

Hey guys, I am trying to get back into the swing of things, but man being sick with a toothache can be horrible. However, I am linking up with Christina from Miss DeCarbo for her Wordless Wednesday.


Question: What is your morning and night routines, if you have any?

Remember to link up with her and spread the blogger love.

3 responses

  1. I try to figure out what I'm wearing to work and have it laid the night before. Then I can sleep in a bit longer and not waste time trying to figure out my outfit in the morning. Glad your toothache is on the mend.


  2. Sorry about your toothache! I feel your pain as I am headed to the doctor on Friday.
    As far as routines, every morning, I wake up, put on makeup, and try to wake up before I get to work. Some days are more successful than others lol


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