Wordless Wednesday-1-7-15

I did not even know that it was Wednesday and the first Wednesday of 2015. So, I am linking up with Christina of Miss DeCarbo for her Wordless Wednesday
  So here it is:


I am participating in the One Word of 2015 and I chose fearless…Here is a quote…

Question: What is your one word for 2015?

My Favorite Things 1-7-15

Well, I cannot believe that this is here. But, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Favorite Things linky party.


I love this idea because it gives a sense of what is to be expected when it comes to what my favorite things are. I remember watching TV shows for children when I was a little girl and it got me thinking what my first set of Favorite Things is going to be…

Here are my favorite TV shows for classrooms…

1. The Magic School Bus
~This is one of my favorite TV shows to this day. I love how the show is more focused on science and when I was a teacher’s aide, I would see the children watch the show and they enjoyed it.

2. Barney
~ Ok, before anyone laughs at me, I remember when I was a little girl, I would watch Barney and Friends and I would know more about each subject that we are learning in class. It still surprises me that most kids are learning from Barney today even after the show is over.

3. Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood
~ I love this show because it gives me a sense of what I love when I start watching this at 3 years old. The children at my school would watch this and they would be more fascinating for them to see how the children are at the same age watching this. They also learn stuff from this too. 

Honorablee Mentions: Sesame Street, Clifford The Big Red Dog: The reason is that it was a difficult decision to make because they are all my favorites.

Question: What are your favorite TV shows growing up that can be used for classrooms?

Link up with Teaching Trio and see all the other Favorite Things.

Tech Tip Tuesday: Evernote and How To Use It

Well, after some break from the whole thing, I am linking up with Cheryl from Techie Turtle Teacher for her Tech Tip Tuesday.


I am going to give you guys a tip about how to use Evernote and that would be great with teachers when it comes to class and also when you guys need to organize.

Evernote is designed for us to collect our thoughts and also what we want to teach students in the future and put them in the app for further use. You can make multiple accounts if you want for your personal and for your professional use. It is also a great way to create a portfolio for others to use.

There are many tools to Evernote that I am going to talk to you guys about, like some that I love to show you.

1. Text: This tool can pretty much be where you will write what is going on and also what you down in your notebooks and what you will put down so you could see how it is done.

2. Camera: You could capture what you are doing and keep it as a photo for you to go back towards.

3.  Handwriitng: This is where the fun really begins. You could use your finger or pointer and write something for you to use. Also, it could be used as as a reminder for you whenever you could.

4. Reminder: This could also be used as a way for you to see what you need to do soon.

Well, that is the question that many people can use. But, here is how you can use it.

The first thing is that I would figure out which tool on Evernote that I want to use which would be text for me.

Then, you need to write something that would be a great reminder for you.

I wrote a reminder that I would be able to schedule blog posts, now I need to figure out when I would schedule it.

Then, I would press OK and Voila, the reminder is set for me to see.

That is how you use Evernote. It could also be used as a portfolio. I would be back next Tuesday for another edition of what I used to keep me organized.

Thanks and remember to link up with Cheryl on her blog.

Sunday Scoop: First One of 2015

Well, that was a busy and awesome week that I had. First, my boyfriend and I celebrated our one year anniversary and then I celebrated my 25th birthday so I figured that I celebrated life with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.


3 Things I have to do:
1. Well, I am going to need to schedule some posts for this week. I put it as my resolution so I could get use to organizing and preparing for this.
2. I need to get back into the swing of things with the fact that the last two weeks was holiday filled weeks.
3. I am doing a bunch of online bible studies that I am excited about that would be perfect for the school year.

2 Things I hope to do:
I hope to start on my homework for the week so I could be one step ahead.
2. I wanted to work on DIY projects and one of them maybe my blog that may need a new design for the new year.

1 Thing T’m happy To Do:
I am announcing that I am participating in the one word for 2015 and that is fearless. Read my post on that on my personal blog Lessons With A Bucket List here.


I hope that everyone have a wonderful day and I hope to see you soon.

Take care