Favorite Things Linky 2-5-15

Pretty much for me that this is the only time that I would be able to work on blogging during wedding week, but here it goes. Here is my favorite things that I linked up with Teaching Trio for their monthly linky party.


I felt that I need to do 3 of my favorite TV shows and that I love watching TV since I have to due to the fact that my arms were in pain.

   I love this show because of course I became a die hard fanatic watching every season. There is a reason for watching it on Netflix and also on other shows as well. For me, the show is centered around family and also I love the fanatic episodes. FYI, I am in love with how the br

    I am the girl who keeps talking about losing her weight and I watch this show and they inspired me to become who I am and now I need to change my eating habits and also be more in fitting. You got styles, you got motivation, and you even got a chance to see the new trainers in action and they would even motivate you.

  Who is in love with Grimm. I started watching this show and already I am hooked on what is going on with Nick who is the main character. Think of it like fairy tales gone wrong and this show is the great place to start.

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