Sunday Scoop 3-8-15

It is finally warming up, so I am going to link up with Teaching Trio for Sunday Scoop

Here is the scoop for today…

3 Things I have to do…
~blogging is my number one thing for this week.
~I am doing a Dr. Seuss themed Storytime this week and I am trying to find material for both the young ones and the school-aged children.
~I need to exercise and get wedding dress ready and also Peru trip ready.

2 Things I hope to do…
~This coming Saturday, there is a woman’s brunch at my church and I am decorating a table so I am figuring out what can be necessary with what to do.
~I am planning on doing online bible studies and I am excited to finally catch up after battling the virus. However, never say never for it’s third round.

1 Thing I’m Happy to do…
We are finally springing forward and that meant spring is right around the corner. Let’s pray for no more cold weather. I did not get any sleep Thursday because I was worried that ice would cause a power outage.

Have a great Sunday and a great week. Remember to link up with Teaching Trio and see other Sunday Scoops from other teacher bloggers.

One response

  1. Hi Jasmine,
    How young are your youngest students for story hour? I did Green Eggs and Ham with my 18mo-4 year old group this past Tuesday. I blogged about it. Check it out and let me know if I can help with anything. It was a lot of fun and everyone loved it. Hope it helps! Happy Sunday!
    Joya šŸ™‚


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