Sunday Scoop 3-15-15

Today, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

3 Things I have to do…
1. I have choir practice tonight. I am preparing with my church for their Easter service and that would often mean that I need to get ready and prepare for what is going to happen one way or another.
2. I am going to Peru!!!However, I need to be more aware of what is happening and that means that I need to raise money for me to go and also for me to enjoy. I am excited and nervous to see where God would lead me in the future.
3. I am exercising and getting ready to hopefully put on my wedding dress when I try a few out.

2 Things I hope to do…
1. I am currently on wedding planning overhaul and that would mean that I need to start focusing on the little things before I get ready to handle the big choices.
2. I am in organization mode since I would be that way with my soon-to-be fiance and I possibly moving one day. I hope that I am organized because I am still a bit scatterbrained.

1 Thing I’m Happy to do…
Well, Spring is right around the corner and that means that I am ready for it. However, I am not ready for severe weather, but I am ready for cool weather.

Remember to link up and see other Sunday Scoops…Have a happy day!!!

3 responses

  1. Peru is on my bucket list. I have wanted to visit Macchu Picchu since high school 🙂 I'm sure your time there will be a blessing to everyone you meet and yourself, too 🙂


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