Favorite Things 5-6-15

I love the first Wednesdays of each month because it is of course Favorite Things Linky by Teaching Trio (awesome group of ladies).

With all the end of the year activities coming up soon, I figured it is time to let everyone in on the plan for the month of May.

1. Mother’s Day: I am so excited for this day, even though I am not a mother yet. But, I love it when children would see what is going on with what ideas are going on.

2. Teacher Appreciation: Well, this week is Teacher Appreciation Week and I am studying to become a teacher. I want the kids to appreciate their own teachers.

3. Summer Vacation: Well, it is getting to that time when the kids are so excited over summer vacation/break. I am also excited to come up with new ideas for the summer and upcoming school year.

Link up with them and see other teachers’ favorite things.

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