Sunday Scoop 5-24-15

Well, time for another Sunday Scoop hosted by my awesome friends of Teaching Trio

3 Things I have to do…
~I have to do blogging of course due to I missed a lot.
~I am going to become a new leader in an online bible study. Fyi, pray that I will have new members.
~I got to do homework and focus on getting it done soon.

2 Things I hope to do…
~I am going to do a #healthyliving2015 challenge and allow myself to live healthy and also focusing on being fit.
~Wedding fever is enough to focus more on wedding planning.

1 Thing I’m happy to announce…
I am going to create a ton of linkies for the summer for some fun.

Have a great and happy day!!!

3 responses

  1. Congrats on taking on a healthy living challenge! It can be so hard to stay healthy and consistent as a teacher but, ultimately, it makes us so much better at our jobs!!


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