My Summer Goals Weekly Link-Up

I am so excited for the summer. I have some goals that are great for the summer. I am linking up with I Heart Grade 3 for her link up.

The first goal is that I would be fit healthy and fit spiritually. I am doing a healthy living challenge that would not only push me to the limit, but it would also bring me towards a goal. I got a Fitbit app and a Pandora station to prepare me to work hard…if I don’t cave in singing that song.

I got me some free time to plan a wedding through my own time. No wedding planner, no bridezilla, just me planning it.

 I got some reading materials that was planned. I love professional development that would taught me to get ready. I am also planning link-ups and instalinkies for them to be more focused at that point. I am on a planning and reading binge.

I am wanting to spend time with my man. He is a great guy and focused more on what I felt about him and cannot wait to marry him.

Remember to link up and spread the blog love!!

2 responses

  1. Hello Jasmine!

    Thank you for taking the time to link up to my linky party!

    Congratulations on getting married. I got married almost 8 years ago… a very small event, only 56 people including my husband and I, so I was able to plan everything. It was stressful, but also a very great time in my life! If I could, I would have my wedding day every! It was everything I had hoped it would be and then some!

    Here's hoping to see more of you and your blog posts this summer! You are welcome to link up whenever you can!

    Thanks again!



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