Sunday Scoop 5-3-15

Well, it is time to link up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

3 Things I have to do…
~I really need to get a hand on blogging. Scheduling posts and figuring out blogging tips is a hard task.
~I am all moved in and now, I need to unpack all the boxes.
~I got the bridal party narrowed and now I need to ask them. Wish me luck!!

2 Things I Hope to Do…
~Exercising and especially since it seems to be sunny the entire week, then it could happen.
~I am doing storytime and I need to check Pinterest and see what is going on.

1 Thing I’m Happy to Announce…
The start of Summer Break is coming soon!!!!

Have a great day and I will see you soon!!

May Currently

Well, I am all moved in to my new home and now it is time for another Currently by Farley of Oh Boy 4th Grade.

Listening: I do not have any TV right now and I am focused on getting everything done so I am enjoying my iPod library.

Loving: Did I mention that I love my new apartment and is great to have a great sleep in.

Thinking: Well, now I get to focus on planning my dream wedding and also working on some proejcts.

Wanting and Needing: I really need me a vacation time. I am so ready for one. Plus, they are the same.

Summer Dream: This is what I am doing so I am planning a wedding and exercising to stay in shape. Finally, I am doing some professional development.

Have a nice day!!!