Sunday Scoop 6-7-15

Summer XP camp is done and now, it is time to get back to business. Time to link up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop. 

Three Things:
~I really need to get back with the blogging world and get ready for what goes on. 
~Who here needs rest as well as me. I was on my feet every day and I need some rest along the way.
~I got to get ready for thhe bible study coming up soon in June. Come join us soon. 
Two Things:
~I really need to start exercising the excess weight off from VBS. Here is what I mean…
Is this healthy…well the salad is
~Time for me to plan ahead and focus on what is going on through each month.
1 Thing…
I really need to rest. See the explanation why above>
Link up with them and have a happy day!!!

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