Sunday Scoop 6-21-15

Well, time for another Sunday Scoop with Teaching Trio.

3 Things I have to do…
~Well with VBS this week, I need to work on my bible study this week. Also, I am working on a few blog posts at my other blog to get ready with that theme.
~Blogging is of course a main step because it will be time that I blog more. I love the Summer weather to an extent and this is one of the most relaxing weather ever (when it is not hot).
~Well, it is go time for wedding planning and I need to plan a budget. I love planning budgets, but it is hard to stay on budget. That is a challenge for me to accomplish.

2 Things I hope to do…
~ Well, to all who did not watch the Weather Channel, it was hot last week. So, I need to plan an exercise expedition for me to do to get wedding dress ready.
~Well, next Sunday is my pampering day. I was blessed to win this and the best thing is that hopefully, I would relax and prepare for the long onslaught of planning a wedding.


3 responses

  1. A massage day sounds lovely! My hubby and I are planning for one of those after we return from our family vacation, because I always feel like I need a vacation AFTER the vacation! It's been hot here in Virginia too, with a forecast over 95 for the next five days. I try to get everything done before noon so I don't have to be in the extreme heat!

    Have a wonderful week!

    Mrs O Knows


  2. I'm thinking about getting a facial. I'm not really a massage girl, but I think a facial might be nice. Wedding planning will be fun but also stressful! Try to enjoy the process. I plan to start Beth Moore's Breaking Free. It's been too long since I've dug into a Bible study. Have a great week.
    Laughter and Consistency


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