Favorite Things: 7-1-15

Well, I am tired so I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Favorite Things Linky.

With all due respect, I am going to do my favorite things for the summer.

1. Photo Challenges: I love doing these and I enjoyed making some so far as well.
2. Rest: Well, I will tell you that I did VBS so many times, Summer Reading Program, and other stuff that I will basically overdoing it myself. I need a chance to rest and rely on myself.
3. I need to do exercise and also that I will need to be wedding dress ready at all times.

Hope everyone have a great day!!!

4 responses

  1. Jasmine, I love your favorite things list. What is a photo challenge? I love to take photographs and this sounds like so much fun! I hope you get lots of rest and best wishes on your wedding. 🙂


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