Sunday Scoop 7-5-15

Well, hope everybody had a happy Fourth of July!!! I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

I am so excited for what has happened for next week.

 1. I need to do bible study and that will be focusing on what has happened the past few weeks. I also need to think ahead of the next bible study.
2. I got to work on the wedding details and also what I need to start securing for awhile for me to focus on.
3. I did it!!! I blogged and schedule posts, now I need to make it a personal thing as well. I won’t be able to go to Vegas this year, but I am excited to start a new journey.

 1. I got to plan details for story time Wednesday and also plan something for the kids to enjoy with a freeze out. I also got a lot plan for me coming soon with this great career I need to do.
2. Well, I need to go outside and relax on the balcony to provide a rest for me and my baby dog daughter.

For a week, I have been sick and that will require me to be sick and disoriented a lot of times, but I feel better.

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