Tried It Tuesday: #BeTheDifference Activity Review

Today, I am linking up with Holly from Fourth Grade Flipper for her Tried It Tuesday…

Well, a while back, I got an email from The Mailbox asking me if I could participate with the #BeTheDifference and do an activity with the students. However, a lot of certain circumstances have kinda stepped in the way.

First, I was not placed in field experience yet, and also that I was shuttled around classroom to classroom so the only available thing I could do is to teach the activity to…preschool.

But, first I created a word list for me to help make the cards with.  I got some stickers for me to create the cards and put on some of the index cards that I used.

What is The Game?

The game is Gobble which is that students would select a card that is flipped over. When they flip over the card to reveal what it is, then they would say the word or letter. However, if they select a Gobble card, then they would have to say all the revealed words. 

This was a fun game, however, playing it with preschool children is a bit hard so I decided to use letters and shapes and numbers in place of that.

Here is how I create the cards which is that I would use a set of index cards and I would put the stickers on each one that I use. However, there are supposed to be a few that are going to have the words on them.

Then, I would write the words or the letters out for the students to enjoy. The students love it, but then again because they are preschoolers, then it was a bit hard, but some of them at least got it.

I love what The Mailbox is because it helps me prepare for a lesson that I have to teach and also that would give me a sense to make a difference in a child’s life.

Remember to #BeTheDifference and link up with Fourth Grade Flipper on her blog for your Tried It Tuesday…

Wordless Wednesday-Early Finishers

Time for another link-up with Miss DeCarbo for her weekly Wordless Wednesday.

The whole time, I was more thrilled of what is going on this week that I almost forgot it. But, here is the picture.

I got this when I was asked by The Mailbox for their #BeTheDifference campaign. I love that this would help with most students who would finish early.

Question: What do you do with the early finishers when they are done with their work without interruptions?

Thanks and check out her blog…

Hope everyone have a great day and enjoy basketball season (for some who loves basketball)!!!

Wordless Wednesday 10-22-2014

Well, I am linking up with Miss DeCarbo for her annual Wordless Wednesday. I love doing linky parties because I love to get tips and tricks from the other teacher bloggers. So, here it is…

I am going to probably sound like a broken record, but I am excited to use this fall activity that was given to me from The Mailbox. I am excited to create a fall activity with the students.

Question: What fall activity do you use with the students in the classroom?

Have a blessed day!!

Five For Friday…I Missed This!!!

Well, with the fact that everything was a busy week for me and I would start field experience next week, then it is time for a Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching

Well, on Monday, there was a Severe Weather Risk where I live and the afternoon turned into storms. The result was that my house was fine and we lost power for a few seconds. But, school was out the following Tuesday and the Hobby Lobby in Cullman had its roof damaged causing them to close until they are all repaired.

 If all goes well and hopefully it does, I will be starting field experience next week. I am stoked for what is in store for me when I go and be in an actual classroom after not being in there for over a year.

Remember that I got an email saying something about the Mailbox wanting me to participate to #BeTheDifference. Well, the package came today and I am excited. I got a book that I can use when I would substitute or have my own classroom one day. I also got a fall activity that I am planning on doing with the kids when I am doing field experience…more pics to come from the process to the actual practice.

I was at Craft Night att my church and it was a great time making fabric pumpkins with the girls…

Here was the fabric being ready to be made…

Then here comes the pumpkins that we all made ya’ll

Oh and for an added bonus, here is my pumpkin family that I made…

Finally, I went to a bonfire that my college group did…

Well, I am still up and I am going to start to work on the activity and even give it a few test drives until I can get used to it…

Have a great weekend!!!