Time to Party!!!! (Day One)

Well, today is the day for a celebration… To everyone that means that it is my blogiversary today!!! Yay!!!

This little blog has turned two years old and I am one proud momma. Yes, I said momma until I actually have children. Back to the story.

I never thought that I would continue this process, but the little engine in my mind keeps telling me that blogging is hard work. But, there are some that gave me some great advice and great feedback on my blog posts that I am proud of. So that is why this month is devoted to you the folks at home who are following me and also giving me credit to the blogging.

Now onto the celebration, usually many teacher bloggers would offer a product on their blogs. With everything going on with my grandma and of course school starting back for me, I did not have the chance to make a product yet. So bear with me. However, I have a linky party made just for you for this week. I am excited that it is based on high school yearbook of Who’s Who and I am excited that this is happening in my life.

Here is the blogging schedule if you want to participate in the linky party each week:

Here is the first day:

So, I have been given the best blogging advice that I did and this one is the one that changed my life.

It was that my blog and posts should match my personality. My personality is more of who I am and what I am at home and at school which is quirky, scatterbrained, and crazy. That is why I named my blog The Dots of Teaching, it is to give everyone a step in the right direction of what is going on with me becoming a teacher in an unorganized world.

Ok. You guys need to link up for the party it is fun and also that if you participate in other linky parties, then it is great to do two posts in one.

Thanks and Happy Blogiversary to me!!!