My Christmas Questionaire

Today, I am linking up with Michelle from Fabulous in First for her Christmas Questionaire.

I love this because it gave me a chance to see how everyone is doing.

1. When do you decorate? 
I decorate in November usually, but this year with my sickness, I am now decorating in December, most likely the tree since we got the stuff on there. 

2. Elf or no elf?
No!!! I do not have kids yet and right now, I am in fear of the elf and his face (don’t laugh). But, when I do have a baby, then I will decide if I need to do elf on the shelf. I love the creative ideas though.

3. Christmas Cookies or No Baking for You? 
 I love Christmas cookies because I would bake them with my mom. Who knows that one day, I would make the same cookies that I made on Thanksgiving week.

4. Favorite Holiday Tradition?
My holiday tradition is that I will participate with  my church  on the Operation Christmas Child trip in Atlanta. This year, I am in a relationship and I may make a tradition of my own for when I have my family one day.

5. Favorite Christmas Movie? 
I am a huge Christmas movie fan such as Christmas Vacation and also Miracle on 34th Street. However, I am a fan of Prancer, I mean it is about one of the reindeer and I get chuckled at the singing in the beginning.  

6. Snow or No Snow?
Right now, no white Christmas 😦 However, only a girl can dream of one in her thoughts. I love snow and always wanted a snow day. 

7. Favorite Christmas Song? 
I am a big fan of Winter Wonderland and their feel. Just ask my Spotify playlist that have more Winter Wonderland songs. 

8. Favorite Gifts to Give and Get? 
I love to make stuff for everyone that is what I do, being a DIY girl all the time. However, I found out that the best gift is the gift that you make from the heart. 

I got a glass for me to drink out of with my initials on it like my own monogrammed one.

However, if I have to give everyone something, I would give gift cards such as Starbucks so they could save money.

That is all I have, remember to link up with her



Unwrapping Your Favorites…Holiday Gifts.

Well, from this person to all teachers. Happy start of Winter Break. I will start back classes next year. Until then, I can take a break and rest up until then. Alright, I am linking up with Tamara and Daina for their linky party.

Sometimes the best thing that a lot of people says is the moment of Christmas are gifts, especially the ones that the students would give you.

I will show you what the gifts are in a separate post.

Until then, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Unwrapping Your Favorites…Holiday Photo

Today I am linking up with Tamara and Daina for their holiday linky party.

My old holiday photo resembles the fact of helping others. When I went with my church to OCC(Operation Christmas Child), I was overcome with joy since I love being  God’s servant…

Here is the holiday photo…

Now since we are in the spirit of Christmas photos…

Hope everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Huge Milestone & Unwraping Our Favorites…Holiday Foods and Holiday Traditions

I am writing a post two straight days in a row. First, I made a huge milestone. I started to put my blogs on Bloglovin a few months ago and today I got an email saying that this blog has reached 20 followers. 20 followers!!!! I am so happy and I am excited. Plus, I checked my email and I won two Rafflecopter giveaways so I am pretty much excited for it.

Now today I am joining Daina and Tamara for their linky party.

I didn’t have a chance to check all of my bloglovin so I am killing two birds with one stone So, here it is

Also breaking news(cue the breaking news music)…I am about to hit 1000 pageviews!!!!!!

Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Christmas Questionaire

Well, I am intent to write posts left and right. I am joining Michelle from Fabulous in First for her Christmas Questionaire. I get Christmas-happy and also DIY-happy. during this time of the year. So forgetting to write posts is really common.

-Hot Chocolate or eggnog?
I prefer hot chocolate since it is the only thing that I remember. I have lots of hot chocolate in my house, I lost count of it.

-Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them underneath the tree?
He pretty much wraps the presents underneath the tree. He doesn’t mind the extra work anyway.

-Colored lights or white?
It is a mixture of both for me because the resonate well with each other.

-When do you decorate?
My family and I decorate in November. I do have a tendency to procrastinate with decorations for Christmas.

-Real or fake tree?
My whole life have been around store-brought trees. However, when I do have a family of my own, I would love to have a real tree.

-What tops your tree?
Most of my life, it has always been a ribbon. Now, if my brother decorated the tree, it will have a touch of camoflauge on it.

-Favorite Christmas memories or traditions?
I have a lot of traditions and memories. But, I will pick a memory and a tradition. My favorite memory which is also a tradition was going with my church to Operation Christmas Child processing center in Atlanta almost every December to help pack shoeboxes. I love being able to give and help out for children to experience what we have offered.

-Do you prefer giving or receiving?
I prefer giving because it is the actual spirit of Christmas and it is the thought that counts.

-What is your favorite song?
Probably the song that dominates my holiday playlist on Spotify which is “Winter Wonderland”. The feel of that song is what makes up for most of Alabama being warm during most Christmases.

-Candy Canes: Yuck or Yum?
Pretty much good, but most flavors are horrible to taste. By the way, I am a picky eater.

-Favorite Christmas movie?
I love Christmas Vacation because it the best movie to watch and laugh at. Howver, I also love any holiday movie on UP Uplifitng Television and also on the Hallmark Channel.

-Do you shop online or at stores?
Mostly at stores because it is a great time and easy way to immediately put presents underneath the tree.

-Photo cards, letter or store-bought cards?
I prefer photo cards because I love to see the families that took the photos and enjoy seeing the creativity even though I love seeing all the cards.

Hope everyone have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Quick Post

Well, right now the cold season is coming my way. I have a headache and I have no sudden urge to get out of bed. I will post something tomorrow. Right now, I need to probably stay in bed for a day tomorrow and take a break and get some bed rest. 

Right now, enjoy my dog right by the Christmas Tree. 
Have a great night, Sleep tight, and God Bless.
Jasmine Hall

First Annual Holiday Cookie Swap Party

Today, I am linking up with The Reading Tutor?OG to go to my second linky party. As many of you know, I am a huge fan of cookies. I love to bake some cookies and found a wonderful cookie recipe that involved favorite candies such as M&Ms.

The image of the cookies is taken from

This dessert is my favorite because of course, M&Ms are my favorite candies. I have been addicted to these types of cookies since i was a little kid. My mother always make these types of desserts around Christmas time and is really appreciated through love to her children. I cannot find her recipe so I got the recipe from

With that being said
God Bless, Have a Nice Day, and Roll Tide

December Love and Currently!!!

I cannot believe that it is December already. Seems like the time has been flown by and will continue until the month ends and the month of January begins.  First, yesterday was the Iron Bowl. For most of you who have not known me, I am an Alabama fan. My favorite team lost in a heartbreaker to Auburn Tigers 34-28(sniff). I am over it now and then I found out that one of my celebrity crushes that I had in high school, Paul Walker has died. It was a crappy day yesterday and now I am feeling better. I hope everyone had a.) a wonderful Thanksgiving and b.) an injury-free Black Friday.

Anyway, here is my Currently from Farley from Oh’ Boy 4th Grade, so here it is:

Listening- I am listening to Investigation Discovery. I love that network and also would catch my favorite shows such as Dateline on ID, 48 Hours on ID, etc.

Loving- I am loving that it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. My house is set for Christmas and also Christmas songs are on and movies are on.

Thinking- How could I become creative? I am somehow the creative one in my family. I am making a few stuff for Christmas. Any Ideas?

Wanting- For January to be here. This is my birthday month and I am excited to celebrate that with all of you. I will be turning at least 24 years old. My birth story will come soon in January.

Needing- I need to find a way to schedule my posts to be written on my blog. I have been neglecting it lately.

Favorite Tradition- I live in Hanceville and they do Christmas in Hanceville, such as a Christmas parade. I participated in this parade, once with my church, and a few times in the marching band.

Another one of my favorite traditions is also 24 hours of A Christmas Story. Any person could tell you that this movie is the best to watch on Christmas Day. What favorite movie do you watch around Christmas time?

So, I will blog you guys hopefully soon.
God Bless, Have Fun, and Roll Tide Roll!!!