Movie Clip Monday: Recycling

Well, I am linking up with Cheryl from Techie Turtle Teacher for her Movie Clip Monday.

This is a great time since I shared about Earth Day, now I wanted to talk about recycling that is perfect for the children to learn more on what they can do to save the earth.

These are perfect for the kids to learn more about how to recycle and also they can take that knowledge of this and incorporate that at home.

Have a great day and link up below.

Sunday Scoop 4-19-15

Hello, it is time to link up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop…

Three Things I have to do...
~Well, the wedding is far away in a couple of year, but I need to get a head start on planning so I would not be able to procrastinate on it. I am excited to be on a budget for once.
~We got the details of the Peru Trip last Wednesday and we are leaving and be gone from July 24th-August 1. That meant that I need to start planning blog posts and also get a head start on link-ups as well.
~ Because of that detail, I need to start planning blog posts and schedule them on the days that I would not be there. I will post everyone on the details.
Two Things I hope to do…
~Exercise is a great way for me to unwind and also for me to have a better body and a better health.
~We are moving at the end of the month and we need to get cracking quickly. That would mean one good thing, most of my room is boxed up and I am almost ready to move. Better than last time when I left a lot of stuff behind.
One Thing I’m happy to do…
Well, Earth Day is this week and I am in need of activities that I want to do for the little ones. I already am looking at books,
Question: What activities did you guys do for earth day?

Have fun and link up with them!!!

Movie Clip Monday: Earth Day

Today is Movie Clip Monday hosted by Cheryl of Techie Turtle Teacher.

Earth Day is around the corner and I made a playlist that is perfect for that time. This is perfect to use when you are teaching the kids what is going on during this day. I love this day because you get to protect the Earth and keep it clean.

Also, you can do a few activities with the kids when the day is here such as planting and also recycling.

Remember to link up with her and have a great day!!