November Currently-It Has Been A Year

I did not know that I made a milestone while I was blogging… Speaking of that milestone, time for a Currently by the lovely Farley!!! This would be a year that I linked up with her linky party so here it is.

Listening: I WAS listening to the Auburn vs. Ole Miss game. Yes, I am an Alabama fan, but you want to root for a team in the same state until they play you.

Loving: I love the fall weather. It was a great way for trick or treating yesterday in a way. We will get to that later.

Thinking: My blogiversary is coming up soon…

I am thinking of surprises that will make this blogiversary month special. I love entertaining readers like you guys. Time for this shy girl to start linking up with new linky parties!

Wanting: As much as I love the fall weather, I want the cold weather to STOP!!! Yesterday and today, I was shivering like crazy and I still cannot stop. Oh, and to make this better for everyone…

Needing: I am thinking of decorating my room at home and I need to know what can I do to make it from blah to wow.

Reading: I am reading Captivating by Stasi Eldridge that is motivating me to become the woman that I am. I recently read So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore. It is helping me with facing my fears and getting me out of the shyness.

Don’t remember to link up with her and check out her blog…

Remember to set your clocks back. ONE EXTRA HOUR OF SLEEP TONIGHT!!! WOOHOO!!! I will post to you tomorrow.

Five For Friday-Fall Edition

It is time to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for their Five For Friday and this one would be a great one.

This is a great chance for their Halloween edition. I want to let everyone know, I am not that person who would brag about my Halloween edition, but well, here it is.

Well, it was a perfect time to go trick-or-treating and also that the weather is perfect and wonderful.

Bad news, we are currently in a freeze warning from Sunday at midnight until 10 am. This is not a very happy girl.

Also, I am thinking of giving everyone the directions of making the fabric pumpkins that would be more of great to decorate your home office or your classroom. I will post them this week on my personal blog.

Halloween was awesome last night and I have pics of the entire thing….Here I was as a die-hard Alabama fan (which is really what I am, minus not supporting Auburn when they play someone else)

I went to a friend’s Halloween party and of course I ended up taking selfies left and right…

Like those…

Finally, I managed to take some beautiful nature photos and of course my favorite feet friend is back out to keep my toes warm…

Oh, and FYI: it was foggy.

That was my Five For Friday and visit their blog to link up and I hope everyone have a great day and bundle up!!!

Five For Friday 10-24-2014

Well, I am feeling semi-better enough to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching in their weekly Five For Friday. I have not that much because well…you’ll see.

Well, I am going to tell you that it was a bright and sunny day, no rain and of course that means a perfect fall weather week…I mean here is the evidence..

Because of that, I need to warm up my room and also put some wonderful scent in my room, so introducing my own wax warmer…

On Tuesday, I started my class and guess what it is on…lesson plans so I found this little diddy.


I also got a special nomination on Sunday and I was so thrilled. I was nominated for the Liebster Award and I accepted it. You could read my post about it here: Liebster Award Nomination. 
I have been blogging like crazy because of this little problem…

Everyone go check out their blog and see all of the other Five for Fridays that is posted. Some are even tasty…hint hint:)
 Ok, everyone kept wondering how did I make those fabric pumpkins. Well, I am going to write a new post when I find the instructions and post them either today or tomorrow. Until, then hope everyone have a great fall and next week would be Halloween.

Five For Friday…I Missed This!!!

Well, with the fact that everything was a busy week for me and I would start field experience next week, then it is time for a Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching

Well, on Monday, there was a Severe Weather Risk where I live and the afternoon turned into storms. The result was that my house was fine and we lost power for a few seconds. But, school was out the following Tuesday and the Hobby Lobby in Cullman had its roof damaged causing them to close until they are all repaired.

 If all goes well and hopefully it does, I will be starting field experience next week. I am stoked for what is in store for me when I go and be in an actual classroom after not being in there for over a year.

Remember that I got an email saying something about the Mailbox wanting me to participate to #BeTheDifference. Well, the package came today and I am excited. I got a book that I can use when I would substitute or have my own classroom one day. I also got a fall activity that I am planning on doing with the kids when I am doing field experience…more pics to come from the process to the actual practice.

I was at Craft Night att my church and it was a great time making fabric pumpkins with the girls…

Here was the fabric being ready to be made…

Then here comes the pumpkins that we all made ya’ll

Oh and for an added bonus, here is my pumpkin family that I made…

Finally, I went to a bonfire that my college group did…

Well, I am still up and I am going to start to work on the activity and even give it a few test drives until I can get used to it…

Have a great weekend!!!

October Currently- First one of the Fall!!!

So, I have been MIA lately, because I am working on homework and also I have limited access to the Internet at my house right now. I am on a computer at my public library and I am linking up with Farley for her Currently today.

I am watching Miss America in 2004 on Youtube. I always wanted to be Miss America when I was young.

Recently, I have to walk to the public library and when I did, I would walk to and from the library. The result is the new and almost slim version of me.

Field experience is coming up and I am figuring out what to wear and how to impress my cooperating teachers.

I am a bit of a complainer on too hot weather and too cold weather. I like it just right. Fall is here, but it still feels like Summer, so I hope the rain would cool off the weather and it will be in the 50s.

I need some pretty cool costume ideas and also tips on field experience and what to expect. One of the many few choices that I would like to go as is Ilsa from Frozen or Wonder Woman. What do you think?

Trick or Treat:
I am thinking of doing this with my own classroom one day, but have them pretend( without costumes) that they are ghosts and skeletons, but give them rules before they would do that.

By the way, my blogging anniversary is coming up and I am working on something that would make it the best celebration ever on my blog. Check back for more details.

Hope you guys have a great day and God bless each and every one of you.

Going for a Great Cause.

Well, how can I politely say it. On the November Currently I mentioned how much I desired the fall weather. Now, I do not want the consequences of fall weather. There is a big chill coming in the South thanks to the Weather Channel. As much as I want to not wear flip flops during the fall, parkas may not be worth it right now. Anyway back to what I was about to talk about.

I love giveaways, especially ones that will give to the cause of helping with children. First Grade in Foxwell Forest is hosting a Giveaway to Win her entire TPT Store. The one catch is that you have to donate at least a dollar for her Donors Choose Project. This Donors Choose project is very passionate and from someone who was an aide for kindergarten, I love what she is doing for her children. Remember to join in and donate because the giveaway will be over when the project is fully funded.

Now I will TRY to get back to my normal blogging routine. Until, then I hope to see you soon

Thanks, God Bless, and Roll Tide Roll

Currently and On the Roll!!!

I am suddenly on the roll when I am doing two blog posts back to back. Today, I am linking up with Farley for my first Currently. Well, I have never done this before so bear with me.

Listening : to college football games. From the past few posts, I am an Alabama fan. RTR. But, I do tend to look at other football games and enjoy this amazing sport(what I get for having a brother who used to play football).

Loving: The Fall Weather because it is associated with football, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and of course Daylight Savings Time.

Thinking: What am I going to do this month? I am an organized person when it comes to what event is happening right now. So much is going this month from Thanksgiving to Black Friday to my grandmother probably coming home after she finishes rehab for 21 days. Also, it is my mother’s birthday month.

Wanting: Some nice, cool weather for a change. I live in Alabama and sometimes it will be cool weather one minute, and then it will be hot weather. I am ready to wear my sweaters.

Needing: Christmas to get here. I am already starting to figure out how to decorate my house. I am already starting to sing carols in my head and listening to Christmas songs. Have anyone ever had that happening to them?

A Yummy Pin: Crock Pot Potato Soup.
Since this is fall weather and it is about to get cool, I felt like the yummy pin should be something perfect for the weather that I recently pin to my “Awesome Recipes” board on Pinterest.

Enjoy. I will be back tomorrow with another post, hopefully.

 Thanks, God Bless, and Roll Tide Roll!!