Favorite Things: 7-1-15

Well, I am tired so I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Favorite Things Linky.

With all due respect, I am going to do my favorite things for the summer.

1. Photo Challenges: I love doing these and I enjoyed making some so far as well.
2. Rest: Well, I will tell you that I did VBS so many times, Summer Reading Program, and other stuff that I will basically overdoing it myself. I need a chance to rest and rely on myself.
3. I need to do exercise and also that I will need to be wedding dress ready at all times.

Hope everyone have a great day!!!

Favorite Things Linky 6-3-15

I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Favorite Things Linky.

Summer is almost in full swing so here are three things I look forward to…

1. I am definitely going to exercise this Summer to be wedding dress ready. I never felt prepared for the whole thing at first, but I am ready for this.

2. I would love to lounge at the beach and enjoy the sun.

See Original Source

3. Well enough said…

Have a good day and link up below!!!

Favorite Things 5-6-15

I love the first Wednesdays of each month because it is of course Favorite Things Linky by Teaching Trio (awesome group of ladies).

With all the end of the year activities coming up soon, I figured it is time to let everyone in on the plan for the month of May.

1. Mother’s Day: I am so excited for this day, even though I am not a mother yet. But, I love it when children would see what is going on with what ideas are going on.

2. Teacher Appreciation: Well, this week is Teacher Appreciation Week and I am studying to become a teacher. I want the kids to appreciate their own teachers.

3. Summer Vacation: Well, it is getting to that time when the kids are so excited over summer vacation/break. I am also excited to come up with new ideas for the summer and upcoming school year.

Link up with them and see other teachers’ favorite things.

Favorite Things 4-1-15

Well, it is April’s Fools Day and I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their linky.

Well, I am taking a little break from talking about favorite education stuff again and tell you what is driving me to have motivation to finish with a little chaotic twist.

Well, if anyone wanted to know why I have a wedding theme, it is because I am planning a wedding right now. So, I am trying to keep calm with all the wedding fever that I have right now.

Exercising is a great way for me to be fit now that it is warmer than a few months ago. I am so ready to do yoga and even walk/run across the room. I wanted to make sure that I am reaching my goal of 135 pounds by the end of the year.

Well, I am going to school to become a teacher and I have to do homework. The biggest downside to becoming a teacher and having online classes is no spring break, but I can live without Spring Break. (Did I just say that?). However, I love having my pencils reorganized!!!

Remember to link up with them and have a great day!!!

Favorite Things Linky 3-4-15

I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Favorite Things Linky.

Click Here

Well, with the winter weather going on, I decided to list the best things I like about Spring.

1.) Flip-Flops: I have been waiting for the flip flops to come out and for me to show off my feet. That would also mean that I need to have pedis for my toes to feel better.

2.) Sandy Beaches: I have been waiting for me to enjoy the beaches with my boyfriend one day. I need to be more aware of what is happening and that would also mean that I need to make that dream a reality.

3.) I am trying to get my body in shape for my wedding soon and that would mean that I need to start walking and walking by the lake can help me be more wedding body ready for the big day months and months from now.

Hope everyone have a great time and enjoy the weather. Hope I do not get more than .20 of ice accumulation.

Favorite Things Linky 2-5-15

Pretty much for me that this is the only time that I would be able to work on blogging during wedding week, but here it goes. Here is my favorite things that I linked up with Teaching Trio for their monthly linky party.


I felt that I need to do 3 of my favorite TV shows and that I love watching TV since I have to due to the fact that my arms were in pain.

   I love this show because of course I became a die hard fanatic watching every season. There is a reason for watching it on Netflix and also on other shows as well. For me, the show is centered around family and also I love the fanatic episodes. FYI, I am in love with how the br

    I am the girl who keeps talking about losing her weight and I watch this show and they inspired me to become who I am and now I need to change my eating habits and also be more in fitting. You got styles, you got motivation, and you even got a chance to see the new trainers in action and they would even motivate you.

  Who is in love with Grimm. I started watching this show and already I am hooked on what is going on with Nick who is the main character. Think of it like fairy tales gone wrong and this show is the great place to start.

My Favorite Things 1-7-15

Well, I cannot believe that this is here. But, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Favorite Things linky party.


I love this idea because it gives a sense of what is to be expected when it comes to what my favorite things are. I remember watching TV shows for children when I was a little girl and it got me thinking what my first set of Favorite Things is going to be…

Here are my favorite TV shows for classrooms…

1. The Magic School Bus
~This is one of my favorite TV shows to this day. I love how the show is more focused on science and when I was a teacher’s aide, I would see the children watch the show and they enjoyed it.

2. Barney
~ Ok, before anyone laughs at me, I remember when I was a little girl, I would watch Barney and Friends and I would know more about each subject that we are learning in class. It still surprises me that most kids are learning from Barney today even after the show is over.

3. Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood
~ I love this show because it gives me a sense of what I love when I start watching this at 3 years old. The children at my school would watch this and they would be more fascinating for them to see how the children are at the same age watching this. They also learn stuff from this too. 

Honorablee Mentions: Sesame Street, Clifford The Big Red Dog: The reason is that it was a difficult decision to make because they are all my favorites.

Question: What are your favorite TV shows growing up that can be used for classrooms?

Link up with Teaching Trio and see all the other Favorite Things.