Sunday Scoop 11-2-14

So, I am feeling warm after freezing this morning no thanks to the freeze warning. However, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

3 things I have to do:
1. I need to prepare for my blogiversary on Tuesday. I am super excited that this sweet little blog turned two years old on Tuesday. Prepare to be amazed.
2. The life of a student teacher is that I have to still work on assignments that would help me become a teacher. It is not a great thing, but it is rewarding.
3. I need to prepare myself for field experiences and figure out what needed to work and what does not needed to work.

2 things I hope to do:
1. I need to decorate my blogs and get them ready for the birthday on Tuesday. This little momma needs to prepare herself for the blogging world.
2. VOTE!!! I am not a political person at all. I honestly focus on the education aspect. But, I need to go vote and also figure out which candidates are there for education.

1 thing I’m Happy to Do:
I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 10 months now. We are about to approach 1 year in two months. I have never felt this giggly before. I am also waiting to see what the future holds for us.

That is my blogging post for today. I am going to now watch The Walking Dead. Hope to see everyone tomorrow or post.

A Peek at My Week-8/03

Hey guys, it is another time to link up with Mrs. Laffin’s Laughings for her Peek at the Week.

 I am finally having a quiet week, but I also like to include daily routines in it as well.

I go to church and then i am going to my next Peru training. I am planning on going to Peru for a mission trip and I have been training with the next group that goes even though I am going on the group after that.

Also, I have choir practice that is happening today and I am pumped because we are performing two weeks from today.

I am applying to be accepted by a certain term for Liberty University and I went online to find course guides and I am going to be working on a lot of those coming soon. That is how studious I am with lesson plans coming soon.

Last day of freedom for me because I start back a class online on Tuesday and I am a bit nervouse because it is math.

Final Note:
I am trying to get me another laptop and let me getting another iPad be my Christmas. I found nice Chromebooks. What kind of laptop do you guys have?

Have a great Sunday!!!

June Currently!!!

Well, today is the first day of June which means that finally there would be no more cold I mean, hot and long days. But, the first day of each month means that it is time for a great tradition here on this blog called…linking up with Farley for her tradition of Currently each and every month.

Listening to: I love to watch crime shows and one of my favorite shows would be Snapped which meant that I love crime shows that have twists and turns in them.

Loving: Today is the first day of VBS at my church. I enjoyed the Jungle Safari theme that we are doing, but I also love the children and adults enjoying this wonderful event.

Thinking: Well, I start field experience in the fall and I need to figure out how to schedule my tests and also what to do with lesson plans that I will start on soon.

Wanting: I am in a long distance relationship, but when he does come home…we are going on a first date and celebrate our relationship…no wedding coming anytime soon.

Needing: I am wanting to go on a beach vacation and just relax forever.

Summer Bucket List:

  1. I am going to start walking and hopefully run in my first race to be healthy.
  2. I am going to work on my lesson plans for the fall when I start field experience.
  3. I need to start working on my blogs and also start working on my TPT store. 

Hope everyone have a great day and remember to focus on the summer.