May Currently

Well, I am all moved in to my new home and now it is time for another Currently by Farley of Oh Boy 4th Grade.

Listening: I do not have any TV right now and I am focused on getting everything done so I am enjoying my iPod library.

Loving: Did I mention that I love my new apartment and is great to have a great sleep in.

Thinking: Well, now I get to focus on planning my dream wedding and also working on some proejcts.

Wanting and Needing: I really need me a vacation time. I am so ready for one. Plus, they are the same.

Summer Dream: This is what I am doing so I am planning a wedding and exercising to stay in shape. Finally, I am doing some professional development.

Have a nice day!!!

It’s May Currently!!!

Hi guys, well I am back writing another post, and I am excited because it is May, which means the month of weddings and births(soon for me guys). I am linking with Farley for her annual Currently.

Listening: I needed to catch up on my DVR recordings and also watching baseball that I love thanks to the men in my life(Go Braves and Barons). FYI: Barons mean Birmingham Barons.

Loving: Well, it is no surprise that I had a boyfriend of four months. Well, we talked on the Thursday before Easter and he said that sometimes this month or June, I will get to finally see him. Long distance relationships are not easy, but at the end of the day, the hugs and kisses that you longed for would finally be a reality.

Thinking: This is what I had learned from my first course, I need to manage my time wisely so I would not procrastinate with blog posts and also with my homework. Also, I am thinking that summer is coming up. The season of bathing suits. I am exercising to get ready for that season. I am going to wear a bathing suit for the first time.

Wanting: With everything going on such as school, moving, and also my grandma in the nursing home, I need to have a scenic change by going to the beach. I need to rest my head and destress from my already chaotic life.

Needing: I am prepared to put my chaotic life back in check and make sure that everything can be organized so I would not have to be scatterbrained.

Surprise!!!:I forgot to mention this in the currently, but I am making it up this way. I am surprising Rachel at A Tall Drink of Water. I love her blog and also her bucket list and plus, the morning hours of my birthday, I woke up to her commenting on my blog post wishing me a happy birthday.

 Well, I cannot hold this in much longer. I am going back to the classroom to observe the surroundings and also seeing what I need to be aware of when I have my own classroom one day. Another surprise that I did not mention is that I am now working with a lovely group of people on Wednesday nights with the 1st-6th grade girls. Final surprise,

Well, I cannot wait to hear more from everyone with their Currentlys.
Remember to check this blog

Have a wonderful day!!!