Monday Made It: The Year In Review

Hey guys, I am linking up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for her Monday Made It on a Sunday.

However, since this is the last couple weeks before 2015 rolls in, I am going to do a year in review for me.So here is what I made this year…

For Memorial Day, I made a flag out of string, ribbons, and also an empty picture frame. I love it and it is still hanging on my footstep of the drawer.

In October, I made some pumpkins with some of my church ladies and that is also a great way to have some fellowship together. PS, my pumpkins did not make the wrath of my dogs.

Finally, I had fun with Sips ‘n’ Strokes and painted a cross picture that would be hanging in my house one day.

So, that is what I made this year. Remember to link up with Tara and show off your creations that you made…

Have a great day and Merry Christmas!!!