Positively Pinspiring-Parent Involvement 11/14

Well, it is about to be that time for me to link up with Jessica for her linky party.


I strongly urge you guys to link up, you would love her party since this is a devotion to all the Pinterest addicts like me. Parent Involvement is a huge thing that has happened when a kid enters your classroom. I would never thought that I would see a lot of parent involvement in the classroom.

Sara from Smiling in Second Grade and The Colorful Apple wrote a blog post about students writing in their journals a letter that they wrote for parents to see what went on this week. I love that idea because it give the students a chance to reflect on their week and also on the parents to see what they are doing.
Read her post here


This was a post written by Freebielicious about how parents can be involved with their children in their school. There are posters that teachers can use.
You can read the post here.



By the way, It was written by Jodi from Fun In First.

 Heather from Wild About Words made this as a way to have it as an icebreaker that would help parents get to know each other since they are going to be in the same group each class year. It can be used with all grades.
Read the post here


 Kacie from Managing and Motivating wrote about how to build a rapport with parents that would establish relationships. Another thing would be that the they would also remind parents of what is going on.

Read her post here.


Lori from Conversations in Literacy created a wonderful post about Family Literacy Night. I love that you can include parents in what they need to know about each child. She also included that you can do scavenger hunts and also parent surveys that would pretty much involve parents in what they do.
Read her post here

Parent involvement is a great way for parents to be with children without them being in the classroom with the children during ALL school hours. I love these activities and that is something that I would look forward to about soon.

Have a Blessed Cold/Hot Day!!