Plan With Me Sunday…Color Coding My Planner

I love planning ahead so I am linking up with some of my blogging buddies for Plan With Me Sundays

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I am going to tell you guys about organizing your planners with a sense of color codes.

First, figure out what events needed to be color coded and use flair pens (everyone’s favorite) and start writing in your planner for what is happening soon.

This is what is happening right now when I was filling out the planner…

Also, I use my iPod touch to schedule and that is like a color coded machine itself…

Question: Do you use color codes for planning?

Link up with them and also enter the giveaway on the blog as well…

Plan With Me Sundays: Planning Mania!!

Well, I am linking up with Keeping Up With Mrs. Harris and Kreative in Kindergarten for their Plan With Me Sundays.

Well, being a student teacher and teacher’s aide, you think I will be scatterbrained. But, I became more organized through these easy simple ways. 
1. Planner: I most likely used my store-brought planner when it comes to what I will be doing each week. I love to plan events and also schedule appointments.

The best trick that works is that I used color pens (particularly flair pens) to tell which events apart. 

2. I love my iPod touch becauuse it has a lot of functions that I really enjoyed. Thhe first featuure is that Siri can work for some reason to plan what is happening this week.

Warning: Sometimes, Siri is a tough one to understand.
3. I love to set alarm clock on my iPod touch and Google phone to keep me in check every time with each event. FYI, I also love to use the cool stuff on there.

I am excited to see what planning can do. I love planning and cannot wait to try all the tricks and turns of the whole thing.