Positive Thinking Thursday: 1-8-15

Wow, I cannot believe that I did not post with this in a while. I am linking up with Jennifer over at Mrs. Laffin’s Laughings for her Positive Thinking Thursday.

I love #oneword2015 because it gives me a sense of what I am accomplishing in the future. I choose fearless to be my word because it gives me a sense of what is to happen when time could be served. Also, since I was worried so much last year, I thought that this year would be a huge year for me to accomplish.

I love this quote because it gave me a sense of what it is like to become fearless.

Link up with Jennifer and show some comments love for the other bloggers who link up


Positive Thinking Thursday 11-20-14

I am a bit tired and right now, I am linking up with Jennifer for her Positive Thinking Thursday.


 Remember to link up with her for this great linky party…


I am creating a blog based on my bucket list that I made. In honor of the new blog, I am loving the fact that I am going to take a quote about my bucket list.


With all the recent news about how young people died lately, I felt that I can turn a positve into a negative. One of the things on my bucket list was to become a teacher and also be prepared to live life to the fullest.

Have a nice day and live life to the fullest…

Five for Friday & Positive Thinking Thursday( Friday) 11-7-14

Today, I am giving you a huge treat that is good for readers. Combining two blog posts into one to make a good blog post. The first post that I am linking up with is Doodle Bugs Teaching for their her annual Five For Friday.


So, Sunday was the Walking Dead Party at my college pastor’s house. We watch and then we went outside for a little bonfire…

Might I add, number two would be the reason why for the bonfire!!!

Freezing was the strong word that described Alabama lately. Where has fall went?

We had a freeze warning on Sunday and the cold weather made me shiver more.

I was happy that I got on Facebook and guess what is coming up soon…

It is Christmas time apparently before Thanksgiving happened. So, one of Alabama’s radio stations played this all the time starting in October!!!


I am listening to this radio station while working on homework. I now realized that this would be my life and that is a student teacher doing field experience.

Finally, my blog turned two years old and also I was glad that I cannot believe what I have achieved during that time.

Now unto my Positive Thinking that I am linking with Jennifer from Mrs. Laffin’s Laughings...


With everything going on int he news today, this is what keeps me going through…


That is it. I am going to continue blogging and also working on lesson plans…

Positive Thinking Thursday- 10-30-14

Well, I am excited for Halloween tomorrow. I cannot wait to have a chance for you guys to see my new costume that I came up with. But, in the meantime, I am linking up with Jennifer for her Positive Thinking Thursday…

One of the best quotes that I love was…OK, every quot that I love came from Dr. Seuss because he has some insight into our lives and we did not know it.


This quote is really a driving force for me becoming a teacher. One of the things that I see when I became a teacher is that there would be bumps in the road, but everything would be alright.

Come visit her blog and link up…


Have a happy Halloween and a good time…do not eat up all the candy!!!

Positive Thinking Thursday 10-23-2014 & Some Huge News!!!

Well, here is my week so far…

I was sick as a dog!!! I have never been that much sick before but now I am feeling a bit better and that is blessed…for now. I am linking up with Jennifer for her Positive Thinking Thursday.


With everything that is going on in the news today with Ebola Virus and also with the fact that I had personal reasons along with the fact that it is my grandma’s birthday Saturday (she would have been 88 years old), I found this inspirational quote that would cheer me up.


This quote reminds me that when things are bad, we are given second chances to start anew. That is what God blessed us with everyday and I am blessed that I was able to get a second chance.

Now onto some good news…(drumroll)…I have officially started a linky party and I am thinking of putting it on there next week and I am excited to see what you guys are going to link up because it pertains to Pinterest and it will be a great favorite each and every week. I know we have a bunch of linky parties with Pinterest themes. I also figure that I would join in on the fun…from the Pinterest stalker I mean fan. So get ready to link up next week or I may just do it early and I cannot wait.

Have a nice day!!!

Positive Thinking Thursday( Friday) 10-3-14


I have never thought that I would write twice and that I would be in good chance. It was raining last night and storming, but of course it has finally cooled down and that I can enjoy the weather again…for awhile. Today, I am linking up with Jennifer for my first Positive Thinking Thursday Friday. Then, I get to tell you my good news.


But first, I have been down and sad lately and stressed about upcoming field experiences. However, there is a quote that really inspired me

This quote is on my phone as a wallpaper and it reminded me that I am working towards becoming a teacher and hopefully having my little ones one day.  Oh, and I found this little gem that illustrates teachers a lot…

That desribes me perfectly. Now onto the good news.

I have gotten an email from The Mailbox to participate with them since they like everything on my blog. I’ll have more details coming up soon. Hope everyone have a positive weekend and remember do not throw your TVs out during a football game.