Currently and On the Roll!!!

I am suddenly on the roll when I am doing two blog posts back to back. Today, I am linking up with Farley for my first Currently. Well, I have never done this before so bear with me.

Listening : to college football games. From the past few posts, I am an Alabama fan. RTR. But, I do tend to look at other football games and enjoy this amazing sport(what I get for having a brother who used to play football).

Loving: The Fall Weather because it is associated with football, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and of course Daylight Savings Time.

Thinking: What am I going to do this month? I am an organized person when it comes to what event is happening right now. So much is going this month from Thanksgiving to Black Friday to my grandmother probably coming home after she finishes rehab for 21 days. Also, it is my mother’s birthday month.

Wanting: Some nice, cool weather for a change. I live in Alabama and sometimes it will be cool weather one minute, and then it will be hot weather. I am ready to wear my sweaters.

Needing: Christmas to get here. I am already starting to figure out how to decorate my house. I am already starting to sing carols in my head and listening to Christmas songs. Have anyone ever had that happening to them?

A Yummy Pin: Crock Pot Potato Soup.
Since this is fall weather and it is about to get cool, I felt like the yummy pin should be something perfect for the weather that I recently pin to my “Awesome Recipes” board on Pinterest.

Enjoy. I will be back tomorrow with another post, hopefully.

 Thanks, God Bless, and Roll Tide Roll!!