Wordless Wednesday- October 15th

Well, I am back from a long period of absence of blogging to blog more…(hopefully)!!! I am getting ready for my blogiversary and I am going to link up today with Miss DeCarbo for her weekly Wordless Wednesday.

So basically in honor of my field experience starting next week…

That is basically a question in a picture… I found this on Pinterest and the Pin is here

So what is your best advice for student teachers?

Wordless Wednesday- A Little late!!!

I did not post in Wordless Wednesday last week and I am in crunch time so I am going to do a quick post of it. So I am linking up with Miss Decarbo for her weekly linky party.


I am back at school as a student in college and I am finishing up my last course before I am going into orientation for teacher education. I am excited and a bit nervouse to be a student teacher after taking  break off.

Question: What do you guys expect from your student teachers each day?

Finally, I found a cute meme that would describe everyone no matter what they are, student, teacher, substitute teacher, student teacher, etc.

Thanks and I will post at dawn tomorrow…

August is Here!!!!…Currently Time!!

Well, I am linking up with Farley for another of her wonderful Currentlys.


 I have a lot to talk about and with school back, the Currently would reflect on my impending stress, but with my blogging, it is kinda therapeutic…

Listening: I am an ID addict and one of my favorite shows is Deadly Women. I love Candice Delong and the new season starts tonight.

Loving: Today is the first day of August and right now, I am counting down the days until the first day of Fall.

Thinking: It is eight months of me being in a long distance relationship and of course I went to Six Flags on that day. I was thinking about him though.

Wanting: I am getting at least horrible sleep patterns and I need to get them in check so during observations, I don’t fall asleep.

Needing: I am a cluttered mess right now, I need at least some kind of organization.

1st Day: My first day of college is August 5th which is next week and also my first day of field experience is in September unless I transfer to Liberty early. The children around where I live started school August 13th.

Everyone can finally go back to their normal routines finally.

Five For Friday- The First in August

Hello guys, it is time for another Five For Friday and I am stoked because I have the most interesting week so far.


My name is Jasmine Hall and I am a school supply addict. I went and on Sunday…I bought more school supplies and my purse is full of them. Plus, it is tax free weekend and I am trying to keep calm about this.

Huge preparations for me starting back school…I don’t know whether to transfer to Liberty University in the fall or the spring semester.

Went hiking at Hurricane Creek Park on Sunday and well, let’s just say that I litterally rocked and rolled with on my butt bottom.

I got gifts from my Sonshine Sister such as a wax warmer,

a makeup bag,

and a stress reliever

I went to Six Flags and had a great time and even went on a few roller coasters. PS. Prepare yourself for Goliath. I even have the chance to lounge at the waterpark.

So, here is my Five For Friday but wait, there is another blog post coming up the same day…I know unethical to do that, right.

What is Your Teaching Ingrediants

I am back writing a second post( sounds unorthodox right). Well, I am linking up with Miss Christina of Sugar and Spice about what is my teaching ingrediants.


For me, being a student teacher and also wanting to become a teacher in the future is a wonderful opportunity. One of the main things that motivates me about being a teacher is seeing how the teachers work when I was in grade school. The focus of this linky party is what I incorporated in the lessons. So here is my ingrediants that I created to stir up a wonderful soup.

Hope everyone had a great day and I am going to write more posts and some surprises are coming up soon.

Big Move…

Well, I have officially moved into my new apartment. This year is a new beginning for me and also a new beginning in my life. Now, I am on wedding fever but right now I am happy where things are in my relationship(yes…everyone judged me, I have wedding boards on my Pinterest). Now, I am making another huge step. I am doing field experiences in the fall and also my summer and fall would be a bit busy. So, I decided to work on both of my blogs and make sure that one would be for personal and also for my teaching experiences. Another blog would also be used for my Christian blog. Moving into a new apartment and having a new life can make this girl happy enough to do a new blog post or two and also maybe getting a new blog makeover coming soon.
I gotta go, VBS is this coming week, and I need to rest because I would be on my feet soon. 
Thanks and God Bless