Sunday Scoop 7-5-15

Well, hope everybody had a happy Fourth of July!!! I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

I am so excited for what has happened for next week.

 1. I need to do bible study and that will be focusing on what has happened the past few weeks. I also need to think ahead of the next bible study.
2. I got to work on the wedding details and also what I need to start securing for awhile for me to focus on.
3. I did it!!! I blogged and schedule posts, now I need to make it a personal thing as well. I won’t be able to go to Vegas this year, but I am excited to start a new journey.

 1. I got to plan details for story time Wednesday and also plan something for the kids to enjoy with a freeze out. I also got a lot plan for me coming soon with this great career I need to do.
2. Well, I need to go outside and relax on the balcony to provide a rest for me and my baby dog daughter.

For a week, I have been sick and that will require me to be sick and disoriented a lot of times, but I feel better.

Sunday Scoop 6-28-15

Well, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

I am a bit tired and of course is excited to share this.

3 Things I have to do:
~I need to prepare for the bible study. I am so tired to do it, but a part of me needed to continue and take one for the team.
~Blogging is going to be hectic this week and I need to be writing all posts out and getting them ready.
~VBS is done and we have a commencement to show the parents what we did.

2 Things:
~Exercise is what I can do now that the heat is down for now. Wedding dress shopping is calling my name and I am excited for what has happened.
~I need to create challenges and linkies for the next few months. I am very creative and more focused on what I want for the month of July.

1 Thing…
I really need to relax and focus on all that stuff. As I am writing this, I will relax and focus on what has happened.

Have a great day!!!

Sunday Scoop 6-21-15

Well, time for another Sunday Scoop with Teaching Trio.

3 Things I have to do…
~Well with VBS this week, I need to work on my bible study this week. Also, I am working on a few blog posts at my other blog to get ready with that theme.
~Blogging is of course a main step because it will be time that I blog more. I love the Summer weather to an extent and this is one of the most relaxing weather ever (when it is not hot).
~Well, it is go time for wedding planning and I need to plan a budget. I love planning budgets, but it is hard to stay on budget. That is a challenge for me to accomplish.

2 Things I hope to do…
~ Well, to all who did not watch the Weather Channel, it was hot last week. So, I need to plan an exercise expedition for me to do to get wedding dress ready.
~Well, next Sunday is my pampering day. I was blessed to win this and the best thing is that hopefully, I would relax and prepare for the long onslaught of planning a wedding.


Sunday Scoop: 6-14-15

Well, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

Things I have to do…
~I am blogging like crazy and need to prepare for what is ahead.
~I did VBS like crazy last week and now I need a rest. I was able to get a pedi, a massage, and a facial all in one day.
~Bible study starts tomorrow and I am a little nervous. I definitely needed spellcheck after this.

I hope to do…
~I need to do exercise and prepare for what I can to get rid of the excess weight put on by VBS.
~I have been working on some linkies for the summer on all blogs.

Happy to Announce…
I have been thinking about this and even asking God about it. I am planning on moving from Alabama and move to some state that will be the next chapter for me.

Have a blessed day and link up with them below!!!

Sunday Scoop 6-7-15

Summer XP camp is done and now, it is time to get back to business. Time to link up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop. 

Three Things:
~I really need to get back with the blogging world and get ready for what goes on. 
~Who here needs rest as well as me. I was on my feet every day and I need some rest along the way.
~I got to get ready for thhe bible study coming up soon in June. Come join us soon. 
Two Things:
~I really need to start exercising the excess weight off from VBS. Here is what I mean…
Is this healthy…well the salad is
~Time for me to plan ahead and focus on what is going on through each month.
1 Thing…
I really need to rest. See the explanation why above>
Link up with them and have a happy day!!!

Sunday Scoop 5-31-15

It is the last day of May and that means a wonderful time to link up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

3 Things I have to do…
~blogging: I have to blog and of course with this being the first full week for blogging posts and that meant, blogging time.
~Summer XP Camp: I am volunteering at my church for this event and it is 6-9 pm. Also, this is not VBS so I am getting used to it.
~I am facilitating a Love God Greatly Bible Study Group and I am ready to be prepared for this. I am ready to reach a wonderful group of ladies who walks in faith.

2 Things I ope to do…
~Still doing the challenge and well, I am now watching what I eat. But, I am determined to be healthy.
~Wedding Prep still is happening. I am blessed that I will definitely have a chance to not be a bridezilla. I will go with the flow when something changed.

1 Thing I’m happy to do.,,
Summer vacation is here which means summer reading program!!! We are doing superheroes and it will be fun to do.

Link up with them and have a great day!!!

Sunday Scoop 5-24-15

Well, time for another Sunday Scoop hosted by my awesome friends of Teaching Trio

3 Things I have to do…
~I have to do blogging of course due to I missed a lot.
~I am going to become a new leader in an online bible study. Fyi, pray that I will have new members.
~I got to do homework and focus on getting it done soon.

2 Things I hope to do…
~I am going to do a #healthyliving2015 challenge and allow myself to live healthy and also focusing on being fit.
~Wedding fever is enough to focus more on wedding planning.

1 Thing I’m happy to announce…
I am going to create a ton of linkies for the summer for some fun.

Have a great and happy day!!!

Sunday Scoop: 5-17-15

Well, time for another Sunday Scoop with Teaching Trio.

3 Things I have to do…
~ Well, blogging is a first must because I have been preparing blog posts for the upcoming summer. Also, link-ups are a must for the summer with four blogs to look after.
~I have got to catch up on my devotional reading. It has been awhile for me.
~Well, homework is also a must to prepare ahead.

2 Things I hope to do…
~ I need to prepare stuff for the bridal party to do like a list to have for their roles in my wedding. I do not have any sisters, so friends and cousins will have to do.
~Summer reading is a must for me. I got books from professional development reading.

1 Thing I’m happy to do…
I did a link up for bloggers to link up based on grades. I would love for you guys to link- up.

Have a great Sunday and a great week!!!

Sunday Scoop 5-10-15

Hey guys, I have a surprise for you, but first, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

Well, some of it is self-explaantory, except the last one. So here it is…

Well, The product-making is for my TPT store that I neglected. But, I am changing the blog name and it will be a huge reflection on how much I wanted my classroom to be technology-wise.

So, here it is. Have a great Sunday and a great Mother’s Day!!!

Sunday Scoop 5-3-15

Well, it is time to link up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

3 Things I have to do…
~I really need to get a hand on blogging. Scheduling posts and figuring out blogging tips is a hard task.
~I am all moved in and now, I need to unpack all the boxes.
~I got the bridal party narrowed and now I need to ask them. Wish me luck!!

2 Things I Hope to Do…
~Exercising and especially since it seems to be sunny the entire week, then it could happen.
~I am doing storytime and I need to check Pinterest and see what is going on.

1 Thing I’m Happy to Announce…
The start of Summer Break is coming soon!!!!

Have a great day and I will see you soon!!