Sunday Scoop 4-26-15

Well, this is the last Sunday Scoop for the month of April. I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

Have to do:
~Lots of blogging
~It is finally a relaxing day and my homework is done so I am going to take a rest underneath the sun. 
~I need to start packing boxes to move to a new home this week.
Hope to do:
~Finally a time to do exercise outside in the sun.
~Work on a new blog design for blogs.
Happy to announce:
Well, I am excited to start a new life with a new home.
Have a fun Sunday and link up with them!!

Sunday Scoop 4-19-15

Hello, it is time to link up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop…

Three Things I have to do...
~Well, the wedding is far away in a couple of year, but I need to get a head start on planning so I would not be able to procrastinate on it. I am excited to be on a budget for once.
~We got the details of the Peru Trip last Wednesday and we are leaving and be gone from July 24th-August 1. That meant that I need to start planning blog posts and also get a head start on link-ups as well.
~ Because of that detail, I need to start planning blog posts and schedule them on the days that I would not be there. I will post everyone on the details.
Two Things I hope to do…
~Exercise is a great way for me to unwind and also for me to have a better body and a better health.
~We are moving at the end of the month and we need to get cracking quickly. That would mean one good thing, most of my room is boxed up and I am almost ready to move. Better than last time when I left a lot of stuff behind.
One Thing I’m happy to do…
Well, Earth Day is this week and I am in need of activities that I want to do for the little ones. I already am looking at books,
Question: What activities did you guys do for earth day?

Have fun and link up with them!!!

Sunday Scoop 4-12-15

I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop which would be fun.

3 Things I have to do…
~I am in need to blog and schedule posts that would be made for the entire week. I did it somehow throughout the week and that would mean I am able to schedule to figure out what posts to write each way. Plus, I am working on a grade blog link up for each grade. Coming Soon.
~I am in need of figuring out wedding details that would be created from what I need to experienced.
~I love Sundays because it is a sense to read the Bible and focusing on what has happened. Plus, I love reading the Word of God.

2 Things I hope to do…
~With all the rainy weather in Alabama, I need to exercise and figure out when inside.
~DIY projects that i need to do inside while it is raining. I am game  forthat. I hate rainy weather, but love indoor projects.

1 Thing I’m Happy To Announce:
I am moving again. I am moving to a better apartment before the first of May and I need to start packing boxes adn getting everything ready and set to move in.

Have a great day and see other Sunday Scoops

Have a great Sunday!!!

Sunday Scoop 4-5-15

Happy Easter Day Everyone!!! I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop and it is a glorious day.

3 Thnigs I have to Do!!!
~I am celebrating Easter today with my church family. I am singing today and goodness gracious, I am nervous. 
~After that, I am blogging and designing my blogs to update it on the focus more often. I am very creative with what is going on. 
~I need to exercise and recently, I have been walking so many times and eat a salad and that would be very healthy for me. 

2 Things I hope to do…
~I am busy planning a wedding and is more focused on making it a DIY moment. I am even designing my own wedding invitations and themes.
~I would love to do this and that would be to focus on the online bible studies. It is now a part of my priority and that is focusing on what is going on. 

1 Thing I’m Happy To Do!!!
I am feeling springy which means that I am feeling wedding fever coming to me. I am excited to see what this season can bring. 

Remember to link up with them and see what others are doing today and this week. 

Have a great Easter!!!

Sunday Scoop 3-29-15

Today, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop and there is a theme that is a bit common in my Sunday Scoop.

Well, here is the common theme in most of this.

 I am getting married in a few years!!! I am so excited and of course want to plan my own wedding so of course, I am preparing for it. I told my boyfriend that I wanted to make our wedding invitiations that would fit both our colors and the theme that we wanted.

I have choir practice that is coming up tonight and Thursday because we are singing next Sunday which is Easter Sunday. I am excited for that day. I also needed to catch up on reading the bible and hopefully, I would be able to do my exercise and be wedding ready soon.

Have a great day and link up with them

Sunday Scoop 3-22-2015

Well, it is time for another Sunday Scoop with Teaching Trio and of course, I am excited that it is the first Sunday Scoop of the Spring.

3 Things I have to do…
1. I have been far behind on my work since I was sick that I finally am able to catch up on any work that I have missed. I am also trying to work on something that I kept saying I would show to you guys but never will.
2. Since my bracket is busted and in a bad way, I am focusing my life on blogging and what it meant.
3. I love to read the bible and also hear God’s word instilled in me. I am blessed that my life is what it says today.

2 Things I hope to do…
1. My organization is still needed to be perfect and that meant that I need to start organizing before I move into my home one day and when I get married.
2. My sleep schedule is out of sync and that mean that I need to start resting and focusing on getting better sleep soon.

1 Thing I’m Happy to do…
During story time last Wednesday, I saw one of the teachers go through something with speed reading where she ask the kids to choose a book and then when she reads it, the request would be slow or fast. Let’s just say that the adults have fun as well through all of this.

Have a great time with them and see other Sunday Scoops and link up with them.

Have a great day!!!

Sunday Scoop 3-15-15

Today, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

3 Things I have to do…
1. I have choir practice tonight. I am preparing with my church for their Easter service and that would often mean that I need to get ready and prepare for what is going to happen one way or another.
2. I am going to Peru!!!However, I need to be more aware of what is happening and that means that I need to raise money for me to go and also for me to enjoy. I am excited and nervous to see where God would lead me in the future.
3. I am exercising and getting ready to hopefully put on my wedding dress when I try a few out.

2 Things I hope to do…
1. I am currently on wedding planning overhaul and that would mean that I need to start focusing on the little things before I get ready to handle the big choices.
2. I am in organization mode since I would be that way with my soon-to-be fiance and I possibly moving one day. I hope that I am organized because I am still a bit scatterbrained.

1 Thing I’m Happy to do…
Well, Spring is right around the corner and that means that I am ready for it. However, I am not ready for severe weather, but I am ready for cool weather.

Remember to link up and see other Sunday Scoops…Have a happy day!!!

Sunday Scoop 3-8-15

It is finally warming up, so I am going to link up with Teaching Trio for Sunday Scoop

Here is the scoop for today…

3 Things I have to do…
~blogging is my number one thing for this week.
~I am doing a Dr. Seuss themed Storytime this week and I am trying to find material for both the young ones and the school-aged children.
~I need to exercise and get wedding dress ready and also Peru trip ready.

2 Things I hope to do…
~This coming Saturday, there is a woman’s brunch at my church and I am decorating a table so I am figuring out what can be necessary with what to do.
~I am planning on doing online bible studies and I am excited to finally catch up after battling the virus. However, never say never for it’s third round.

1 Thing I’m Happy to do…
We are finally springing forward and that meant spring is right around the corner. Let’s pray for no more cold weather. I did not get any sleep Thursday because I was worried that ice would cause a power outage.

Have a great Sunday and a great week. Remember to link up with Teaching Trio and see other Sunday Scoops from other teacher bloggers.

Sunday Scoop 3-1-15

I am excited to be linking up with Teaching Trio for their Sunday Scoop.

I was sick the last part of the week and there was a snow day so let’s get cracking.

3 Things I have to do…
1. I have choir practice to get ready for Easter and that would be a big thing to accomplish.
2. I also got a mission trip meeting this afternoon for the Peru trip. I am so excited and is still praying about this. But, I know that God has got my back.
3. I am scheduling tweets and posts like crazy. I am doing that through Tweetdeck and Hootsuite.

2 Things I hope to do…
1. I want to exercise and lose some weight for my boyfriend. He tells me that I am pretty the way that I am, but I want to be fit spiritually and physically to fit into the wedding dress one day.
2. I am “preengaged” (probably made up the term) but I am excited to plan a wedding, however, there are choices that I have to make and that would be difficult. Any advice on planning weddings?

1 Thing I’m Happy to do…
Well, Alabama had a snow day and of course I did not build a snowman because I was sick the rest of the week. But, I have a great time and even took some photos of it.

Everyone go to Teaching Trio’s blog and link up with them and see what everyone else is doing.

Have a great Sunday and a great week!!!

Sunday Scoop 2-22-2015

Well, I am linking up with Teaching Trio for the Sunday Scoop and this coming week would be the start of chaos ensuing.

3 Things I have to do…
~homework is the best thing. Plus, if I finished all of it today, I would finally be caught up.
~I love Karen Ehman and her books. I am currently reading Keep It Shut and doing a bible study on it.
~I would love to schedule some blogging time and blog on other topics too.

2 things I hope to do…
~I need to create the linky party that I wanted. However, procrastination can take over for good.
~I need to exercise because last week, it was cold literally and we were under winter weather advisories left and right.

1 thing I’m Happy to do…
March would be a busy month for me because of the work that I have to do.
 ~I need to change the blog title and make it more reflective of me, but what should I call it. Do you think of
   “Teaching As A Student” or “The Steps of Teaching”
~ I got events that I am doing at my church and may require a late blog post every time now and then.
~I am planning for a wedding. However, it would be one day, not anytime soon. But, I am going to plan the minor details and be ready when it does happen.

Have a great Sunday and a great day!!!