Tried It Tuesday: #BeTheDifference Activity Review

Today, I am linking up with Holly from Fourth Grade Flipper for her Tried It Tuesday…

Well, a while back, I got an email from The Mailbox asking me if I could participate with the #BeTheDifference and do an activity with the students. However, a lot of certain circumstances have kinda stepped in the way.

First, I was not placed in field experience yet, and also that I was shuttled around classroom to classroom so the only available thing I could do is to teach the activity to…preschool.

But, first I created a word list for me to help make the cards with.  I got some stickers for me to create the cards and put on some of the index cards that I used.

What is The Game?

The game is Gobble which is that students would select a card that is flipped over. When they flip over the card to reveal what it is, then they would say the word or letter. However, if they select a Gobble card, then they would have to say all the revealed words. 

This was a fun game, however, playing it with preschool children is a bit hard so I decided to use letters and shapes and numbers in place of that.

Here is how I create the cards which is that I would use a set of index cards and I would put the stickers on each one that I use. However, there are supposed to be a few that are going to have the words on them.

Then, I would write the words or the letters out for the students to enjoy. The students love it, but then again because they are preschoolers, then it was a bit hard, but some of them at least got it.

I love what The Mailbox is because it helps me prepare for a lesson that I have to teach and also that would give me a sense to make a difference in a child’s life.

Remember to #BeTheDifference and link up with Fourth Grade Flipper on her blog for your Tried It Tuesday…