Wordless Wednesday: Caterpillars

It has been a time since I linked up with Christina from Miss Decarbo for her Wordless Wednesday.

We did a great time reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar and it was a day full of caterpillars.

Question: How do you incorporate caterpillar units in the classroom?

Have a great Wordless Wednesday!!!

Wordless Wedesday: The First One in Weeks

Well, I have never linked up with Christina from Miss Decarbo for her Wordless Wednesday,

Click Here

but I am finally feeling better in a way so here it is.

We are having a snow day and of course there would be snow so I am resting up with my new Chromebook.

Question: What do you do on snow days?

Link up with her and have a great snow day.

Wordless Wednesday 1-14-15

Time to link up with Christina from Miss DeCarbo for her Wordless Wednesday. I love these because it is more fun and also a great way to get to know others and see what they post.


I made a resolution that i would be more organized and that would also mean that I need to be making notes of what is going on

Here is what I created last year that is a bit hit with myself…

Question: What do you use to be organized and ready for the next day?

Wordless Wednesday: Christmas Feeling

Well, it is that time for Wordless Wednesday with Miss DeCarbo and well, I have a lots to be thankful for, but there is a something special in the air.


Well, Christmas is coming and I am taking a mini-break from Teaching pictures to show you what me and a couple of ladies are working on. 

This was taken at my church where I helped decorate the tree. I am blessed to see what I can do with creativity.

Question: What are you doing with your church for Christmas? What are your holiday traditions?

Remember to link up with her and see other Wordless Wednesdays.


Hope everyone have a great day!!!

Wordless Wednesday: 12-3-14

I am back from a mini blogging break due to a nasty toothache. I am going to school today, but with proper precaution. I am linking up with Christina from Miss DeCarbo for her Wordless Wednesday.


Because of that blogging break, I am going to make blog posts galore and would eventually break the rules. I am also finding a great way to be commfortable…

I am wearing some comfortable slipper socks that would be used at home.

Question: Have anyone ever find a way to be warm in their classroom?

Have a great day and link up with her on her blog…


Wordless Wednesday- Posters in Classrooms.

Today, I am also linking up with Christina for her Wordless Wednesday.on Miss DeCarbo.  Thanksgiving is coming up tomorrow and this girl is on a break.


I was at field experience this week and saw something that really catch my eyes which are the posters that are in the room.

Questions: Do you guys ever have any educational posters in the classroom to help the students? Do you cover the posters when it comes to a test?

Thanks and God Bless

Wordless Wednesday: Shaving Cream Fun!!!

Well, this week was my first week of field experience…so in honor of that, I am linking up with Christina from Miss DeCarbo for her Wordless Wednesday


Well, I was at field experience and they did some letter tracing which is fun. However, after that, they decided to do some shaving cream fun…

Question: Have you ever do anything fun after some work or during work?

Thanks and remember to link up with her on her blog…

Have a nice day…