Wordless Wednesday: Student Teaching

Well it is time to link up for another wonderful Wordless Wednesday with Miss DeCarbo

However, since it is Thursday, I am taking a little throwback that would bring in what I am talking about.

I am a student teacher and right now I am in classroom and also studying to become a teacher, hence the name The Dots of Teaching (connecting the dots to becoming a teacher).

Question: What is the best teacher tip you can give someone who is studying to become one?

Remember to link up with her:


Have a nice day and stay warm?

Wordless Wednesday: Big Exciting News

Today, I am linking up with Christina at Miss DeCarbo for her annual Wordless Wednesday that is great to announce some great news in The Dots of Teaching history so I am taking a break from teaching post today for this exciting news.

Now onto the big news… (I’m gonna let the picture tell you this)

That is the exciting news, there would be an extra addition to my beautiful family. Now, I will blog finally about something teaching related tomorrow soon. But, I have to bring this great news.

Question: What is your best life moment that you remember?

Wordless Wednesday-Early Finishers

Time for another link-up with Miss DeCarbo for her weekly Wordless Wednesday.

The whole time, I was more thrilled of what is going on this week that I almost forgot it. But, here is the picture.

I got this when I was asked by The Mailbox for their #BeTheDifference campaign. I love that this would help with most students who would finish early.

Question: What do you do with the early finishers when they are done with their work without interruptions?

Thanks and check out her blog…


Hope everyone have a great day and enjoy basketball season (for some who loves basketball)!!!

Wordless Wednesday 10-22-2014

Well, I am linking up with Miss DeCarbo for her annual Wordless Wednesday. I love doing linky parties because I love to get tips and tricks from the other teacher bloggers. So, here it is…

I am going to probably sound like a broken record, but I am excited to use this fall activity that was given to me from The Mailbox. I am excited to create a fall activity with the students.

Question: What fall activity do you use with the students in the classroom?

Have a blessed day!!

Wordless Wednesday- October 15th

Well, I am back from a long period of absence of blogging to blog more…(hopefully)!!! I am getting ready for my blogiversary and I am going to link up today with Miss DeCarbo for her weekly Wordless Wednesday.

So basically in honor of my field experience starting next week…

That is basically a question in a picture… I found this on Pinterest and the Pin is here

So what is your best advice for student teachers?

Wordless Wednesday- A Little late!!!

I did not post in Wordless Wednesday last week and I am in crunch time so I am going to do a quick post of it. So I am linking up with Miss Decarbo for her weekly linky party.


I am back at school as a student in college and I am finishing up my last course before I am going into orientation for teacher education. I am excited and a bit nervouse to be a student teacher after takingĀ  break off.

Question: What do you guys expect from your student teachers each day?

Finally, I found a cute meme that would describe everyone no matter what they are, student, teacher, substitute teacher, student teacher, etc.

Thanks and I will post at dawn tomorrow…

Wordless Wednesday-last one of July

I cannot believe that this is the last Wednesday of July…which means(cue dramatic music) school starts back for everyone. I am in school studying to become a teacher and is going to be in a classroom this school year observing the students and teaching lesson plans(cue dramatic music).

Now, what better way to wind down the year than to join up with Sugar and Spice, Miss Christina for her Wordless Wednesday…


I love school supplies and also that it is tax-free weekend in Alabama coming up soon. I usually buy a lot of notebooks since I am doing field experience clinicals and also being a student in college getting my degree.

Question: What do you buy more of when you go shopping for students in your classroom?