Worship Wednesday 2-25-15

Well, I am linking up with Beth from Adventures of A Schoolmarm for her Worship Wednesday and finally it is on a Wednesday.

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Well, it is a snow day and I am thinking of a lot of verses and songs that would be wonderful with the weather. I chose a video that I love and listen to when I was at Passion 2010 which is my first conference with the college group at my church

Well, I hope everyone have a wonderful cold/snow day or a warm day and I would see you next week.

Worship Wednesday 2-19-15

Well, time for another Worship Wednesday with Beth from Adventures of a Schoolmarm and this one can be my most favorite.

Click here

 It is below freezing in good ole Alabama and I thought of a bible verse that works wonders with what I am saying.

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This verse talks about how we are supposed to be able to remind ourselves that even though are sins are red, they are turned into snow by the hand of God.

Have a great day and stay warm!!!

Worship Wednesday: 2-12-15

Well, I am linking up with Beth from Adventures of a Schoolmom for her first Worship Wednesday that is great. I am currently busy and I often forgot that I am in the word with God. In honor of being a child of God, I am going to share with you guys a verse that is great in my life. It was also the first that I did in my siesta memory verse.

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This verse is a great one because the Lord would know what he has in store for us and also what he wants us to do in the future. He has a plan that would be perfect for us even for the teachers as well.

Remember to link up at her blog for this…

Click Here

Have a wonderful weekend and a blessed day!!